__FILE__ , __FUNCTION__ any similar macros to help identify subproject ?
Question :
Is there a similar macro to help identify sub project in SUBDIRS scheme?I like to be able to identify the actual "run"/ trace process in "SUBDIRS" execution.
I am aware of "sequence" of "SUBDIIRS" as specified in main project .
I like to trace the actual code execution via QDebug messages.So far "main " FILE and FUNCTION do not distinguish between projects.
This is what I have so far
#ifdef DEBUG
// test QDebug
qDebug() << "File "<< FILE;
qDebug() << "Function @line "<< LINE << " __ " << FUNCTION ;
qDebug() << "Date:" << QDate::currentDate();
// qDebug() << "Types:" << QString("String") << QChar('x') << QRect(0, 10, 50, 40);
#endifMaybe some kind of "custom #define subprojecX " would work ?
But that would not identify the run sequence...#ifdef subprojectX
qDebug () << " in ___FUNCTION __ in subproject X ";
#elseif subroiject y....
No there's not.
However you can use Q_FUNC_INFO that provides detailed informations so unless you have a lot of similar code, it should already help locate your issues more easily.
just modified Q_FUNC_INFO and added the subproject name.
Better than silly preprocessor idea. Many thanks.QString funct_info =" btscanner main ";
qDebug() << "Called " << funct_info << Q_FUNC_INFO ;PS
There got to be "btscanner" as label / string /name somewhere....