Starting for scratch - tutorial ?
My last QtCreator download is missing anything "debug".
Now after using QtCreator for few months I came to realize that there is no real HOW to implement QtCreator.
And I do not care to hear about "Qt is library"
I am talking about "QtCreator - IDE .
Hopefully it is not necessary to spell IDE here.Here is a challenge to y'all
Tho implement / be able to USE QtCreator IDE one has to download at minimum
" Qt " (creator?)
which at the "finish" asks to start "QtCreator" hence it MUST be a download of "QtCreator""Qt Maintenance tool"
which apparently is a duplicate of "QtCreator ->Tools -> Options " (??)After installing both of these "downloads" one is advised to carefully check ALL tools-> options.
Especially the very descriptive "kit(s) " (?)YES- options refers / can link to "Qt" maintenance tool .
I would go out on limb and say any serious additions to the above would be very helpful.
I personally like to see some form of explanation of "Qt" numbering / versioning scheme.
For example "off line installer " now loads 6.0.2 BUT the NUMBER is still same as was for 6.0.1.Then one can currently "Qt" download 6.0.2 , but there is a question posted about 6.1. (?)
(Who is on first ?)Addendum
Start here
Allegedly off line installer load s both Qt Library and Qt Creator