Display 3D point cloud into QML
I've got a problem to display a 3D point cloud into my already existing QML app.
I can display 3D point cloud by using OpenGL, but I cannot found how to embed this code into my app to work inside QML (my app is basically a grid, some of this elements are Images, chart ..., and I have to add the ability to display 3D point cloud inside an element).
I tried with a custom QQuickWidget but I can display only 2D point.
After long hours of searching on internet, I'm not sure we are able to do this.
For the moment I've got a dirty workaround. I using OpenGL and I'm doing an glReadPixel periodically if there changes and I display a QImage.
Is there a clean solution? Can we display basically 3D points inside QML? Using OpenGL is not mandatory, I only need to display these points with correct fluidity with around 15/20 fps (with other elements in grid).
@Levicio Hi. I do not know what is the main purpose of your application, but you can use QtQuick3D with the new feature of custom geometry. Take a look at this basic example: https://github.com/oria66/test-qml-3dquickpc. It was developed based in https://www.qt.io/blog/what-is-new-in-qt-quick-3d-6.0
Version Qt 5.15.2