QMultimap - Find all the keys in common with another key
Hi to all,
I'm using QMultimap to store some values in my application in this way:
struct scheda { QString gruppo_muscolare; QString esercizio; QString serie; QString ripetizioni; }; QMultiMap<QString, scheda> tabella;
Then, I populate it by using a for loop after a SQL query:
model.setQuery("..."); for (int i = 0; i < model.rowCount(); ++i) { tabella.insert(model.record(i).value("scheda.tipo").toString(), {model.record(i).value("gruppo_muscolare.nome").toString(), model.record(i).value("esercizio.nome").toString(), model.record(i).value("esercizio_scheda.serie").toString(), model.record(i).value("esercizio_scheda.ripetizioni").toString()}); }
and I print all the keys associate to a specific key in this way:
if(tabella.contains("A")){ QMultiMap<QString, scheda>::iterator i = tabella.find("A"); while (i != tabella.end() && i.key() == "A") { qDebug() << "scheda tipo: " << i.key() << "gruppo muscolare: " << i->gruppo_muscolare << " - esercizio: " << i->esercizio << " - serie: " << i->serie << " - rep: " << i->ripetizioni; ++i; }
and I get this result:
scheda tipo: "A" gruppo_muscolare: "pettorali" nome: "incline press hammer" serie: "1" ripetizioni: "2"
scheda tipo: "A" gruppo_muscolare: "pettorali" nome: "Chest Press " serie: "3" ripetizioni: "2"
scheda tipo: "A" gruppo_muscolare: "quadricipiti" nome: "Leg Curl" serie: "2" ripetizioni: "3"I would like to group the results when gruppo_muscolare has the same value in order to trigger different actions.
for example:
if gruppo_muscolare == "pettorali"
then do this
else if gruppo_muscolare == "quadricipiti"
then do this
..the problem is that I can't suppose to know what "gruppo_muscolare" will contain each time so I think I need to group all the keys which have in common the same value in "gruppo_muscolare".
How can I do that?
you need a map for each data field that you intend to use as a "key". IIUC you are asking for reverse lookup, where the data field becomes the key and the key becomes the data field. There may be a more elegant algorithmic solution, but given your description one is not immediately evident.
Reading between the lines though, if you are aggregating this data from a SQL database then why not let the DB do the grunt work and concentrate on proper SQL queries to pull the information, grouped as you desire?
As @Kent-Dorfman has said.You might choose to move the work to
statements at the SQL database side.But if you do stick to your
. You are perhaps already aware, but you can address your requirement via: ISTM that you need a newQMultiMap
whose keys are the values you encounter inscheda.gruppo_muscolare
. Populate that from the records you get back from your query. Now you can enumerate this new map's keys (e.g. in alphabetical order) to retrievegruppo_muscolare