Bug when attempting embedding widget in container with thread
Hi All,
I am currently working on project in which I embed an external application in a QX11EmbedContainer object. The method I use is as follows:int embedAppInContainer(std::string& windowHint, QX11EmbedContainer* container, time_t timeout) { int winID = pollWIndowID(windowHint, timeout) if (FAIL != winID) { container->embedClient(winID) return SUCCESS } }
This method works fine when performed on the main thread with no errors and the application gets embedded as intended.
When I pass this method to a boost::thread things get unstable :
Most times I execute the application I get the following error - Fatal IO error: client killed - and the app crashes and generates a core file that shows the following backtrace:#0 raise in libc-2.19.so #1 abort in libc-2.19.so #2 __libc_message in libc-2.19.so #3 _int_free in libc-2.19.so #4 _XReply in libX11.so.6 #5 XQueryTree in libX11.so.6 #6 embedClient in libQtGui.so.4 #7 embedAppInContainer in libcontroller.so #8 thread_proxy in libboost_thread.so.1.59.0 #9 start_thread in libpthread-2.19.so #10 __clone in libc-2.19.so
Every few execution the method suddenly works fine and the error doesn't occur.
Any insights will be much appreciated.
Thanks -
You must not do anything in the gui outside the main gui thread!
@Christian-Ehrlicher Understood. Thanks for your reply