Unable to advertise Bluetooth BLE in peripheral mode in OS Ubuntu 18
Hi All,
My aim is to create Bluetooth BLE Peripheral who would be able to advertise the device and services. For achieving this, I have tried to run the heartrateserver example provided by QT Creator.
I simply run this program and i got following error in the output:
host mode: QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostConnectable
qt.bluetooth: Using BlueZ kernel ATT interface
Role: QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole
Controller state QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState
qt.bluetooth.bluez: Starting to advertise
qt.bluetooth.bluez: advertising parameters: "000800080000000000000000000700"
qt.bluetooth.bluez: advertising data: "1402010510094865617274526174655365727665720000000000000000000000"
qt.bluetooth.bluez: scan response data: "1110094865617274526174655365727665720000000000000000000000000000"
qt.bluetooth.bluez: sending command; ogf: 8 ocf: 10
qt.bluetooth.bluez: command sent successfully
QDBusConnection: name 'org.bluez' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.332'
qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
qt.bluetooth.bluez: command 10 failed with status 12
qt.bluetooth.bluez: Advertising disable failed, ignoring
qt.bluetooth.bluez: sending command; ogf: 8 ocf: 6
qt.bluetooth.bluez: command sent successfully
qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
qt.bluetooth.bluez: command 6 failed with status 12
qt.bluetooth.bluez: received advertising errorPlease help me this. Thanks in advance.