How to notify something outside if the module is loaded by loader
QML and Qt Quick
Hi all
I want to check param from one module loaded by
when it's active.For example, I want to show a window loaded by loader after the splash finished(
visible: false
)QtObject { id: root property QtObject splashScreen: Splash{ id: splash } property var loader: Loader{ source: "qrc:/MainWIndow.qml" asynchronous: true active: false } Component.onCompleted:{ splashScreen.delay(); = true; while(!splashScreen.visible) } }
Also, I want to communicate between
, what should I do?Regards
Mihan -
Put Splash inside MainWindow.qml and have that file control when the Splash is shown.
Add property to MainWindow.qml.You could do this in one file:
Component { id: customMainWindow MainWindow { loader: true // add this property to MainWindow Splash { } // add custom splash logic as needed } } Loader { sourceComponent: customMainWindow }