ld: error: unable to find library -lpnp_basictools
Installation and Deployment
I am following the instructions to build Qt for Android (Qt 5.15.2) on a Windows 10 PC (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/android-building.html).I configured the project successfully and ran "mingw32-make.exe -j" to build the project. After several hours of building, it failed with the following initial error message:
ld: error: unable to find library -lpnp_basictools clang++; error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) mingw32-make.exe[7]: *** [Makefile.Armeabi-v7a:129: ..\libplugandpaint_armeabi-v7a.so] Error 1 . . .
Here is the full error message:
I obtained the source code using the online installer application, but it does not have any fie named, "libplugandpaint_armeabi-v7a.so". Where might I obtain this file, and where would I need to save it? It appears there are other files missing as well:
- libplugandpaint_arm64-v8a.so
- libplugandpaint_x86.so
- libplugandpaint_x86_64.so
Any help to find a work-around for this fatal build error is most appreciated.