Set Background color of body of tab of QTabWidget
General and Desktop
I am unable to set the body background color of Main Tab and other tabs of QTab widget.
I am able to set the background color of each Tab header or tab is my code
// GROUP1 tw1= new QTabWidget; tw1->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); tw1->setMinimumWidth(1000); tw1->setMinimumHeight(780); tw1->setStyleSheet( "QTabBar {background-color: #0B6C87; color:#ffffff;}" "QTabBar::tab:!selected {height: 60px; width: 125px;background-color: #0B6C87; color:#ffffff;font-size:11pt;}" "QTabBar::tab:selected {height: 60px; width: 125px;background-color: #0BAFF2; color:#ffffff;font-size:12pt; font-weight: bold;}" ); tw1->addTab(new MainTab(), tr("MAIN")); tw1->addTab(new UtilitiesTab(), tr("UTILITIES")); tw1->addTab(new HCTab(), tr("HEALTH \nCHECK")); tw1->addTab(new LVTab(), tr("LOG \nVIEW")); tw1->addTab(new GRTab(), tr("GENERATE \nREPORT")); tw1->addTab(new HelpTab(), tr("HELP")); tw1->addTab(new AboutTab(), tr("ABOUT")); tw1->addTab(new ExitTab(), tr("EXIT")); connect(tw1, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onTabChanged(int)));
I tried setting it in the constructor of the MainTab widget. its not working. but it changes my MainTab header label.
MainTab::MainTab(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QFont fntGgia12( "Georgia", 12, QFont::Bold); QFont fntGgia12N( "Georgia", 12, QFont::Normal); QFont fntGgia16( "Georgia", 16, QFont::Bold); // HEADING lblHdg = new QLabel("HFT MAIN PAGE"); lblHdg->setFont(fntGgia16); lblHdg->setFixedSize(500, 50); lblHdg->setStyleSheet("QLabel {" "border-style: solid;" "border-width: 3px;" "border-color: black; " "}"); lblHdg->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); hbxHdg = new QHBoxLayout; hbxHdg->addWidget(lblHdg); // GROUP1 bMM = new QPushButton("MANUAL MODE"); bMM->setFont(fntGgia12); bMM->setFixedSize(160, 50); bMM->setStyleSheet("QPushButton {" "background-color: #FAD7A0;" "border-style: solid;" "border-color: black;" "border-width: 3px;" "border-radius: 15px;" "}" "QPushButton:hover {" "border-color: #DFFF00;" "}" "QPushButton:pressed {" "border-color: #1212F5;" "border-style: inset;" "background: qradialgradient(" "cx: 0.4, cy: -0.1, fx: 0.4, fy: -0.1," "radius: 1.35, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #ddd" ");" "}" ); connect(bMM, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(clkbMM())); bAM = new QPushButton("AUTOMATIC MODE"); bAM->setFont(fntGgia12); bAM->setFixedSize(220, 50); bAM->setStyleSheet("QPushButton {" "background-color: #FAD7A0;" "border-style: solid;" "border-color: black;" "border-width: 3px;" "border-radius: 15px;" "}" "QPushButton:hover {" "border-color: #DFFF00;" "}" "QPushButton:pressed {" "border-color: #1212F5;" "border-style: inset;" "background: qradialgradient(" "cx: 0.4, cy: -0.1, fx: 0.4, fy: -0.1," "radius: 1.35, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #ddd" ");" "}" ); connect(bAM, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(clkbAM())); hbxBtns = new QHBoxLayout; hbxBtns->addWidget(bMM); hbxBtns->addWidget(bAM); hbxBtns->setContentsMargins(260, 0, 0, 0); hbxBtns->setSpacing(40); hbxBtns->addStretch(1); vbxMain = new QVBoxLayout; vbxMain->addLayout(hbxHdg); vbxMain->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 80, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); vbxMain->addLayout(hbxBtns); vbxMain->addStretch(1); setLayout(vbxMain); setStyleSheet("QWidget {background-color: #BBE3DF;}"); }
Please help....Thank you.
Hi all,
I think i got it after searching for solution in net from StackOverflow:
What's the point of this paintEvent override:
void QWidgetDerivedWhatchamit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStyleOption opt;
QPainter p(this);
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
Surely that's what QWidget already does?from @edward strange
I am overriding the paint event above. Thank you all.