Strange behavior of mouse events or QCursor::setPos() does not work
General and Desktop
I am trying to lock the mouse in the widget, for this I constantly set the mouse position in the center of the widget, and to move the camera in my scene I use the virtual cursor position.
void MainOpenGLWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { virtualMousePosition = this->rect().center(); qInfo() << "press event:"; qInfo() << "real mouse position:" << event->pos(); qInfo() << "virtual mouse position:" << virtualMousePosition; setCursor(Qt::BlankCursor); QCursor::setPos(mapToGlobal(this->rect().center())); QMouseEvent eventCopy(event->type(), virtualMousePosition, event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); sceneManager->callMousePressEventHandler(eventCopy); QWidget::mousePressEvent(event); } void MainOpenGLWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { //"Note that the returned value(event::button()) is always Qt::NoButton for mouse move events." if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton && event->pos() != rect().center()) { virtualMousePosition += (event->pos() - rect().center()); qInfo() << "move event:"; qInfo() << "real mouse position:" << event->pos(); qInfo() << "virtual mouse position:" << virtualMousePosition; QMouseEvent eventCopy(event->type(), virtualMousePosition, event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); sceneManager->callMouseMoveEventHandler(eventCopy); QCursor::setPos(mapToGlobal(this->rect().center())); } QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event); }
So, what's the problem I'm facing?
I have two cases:- I click a button on the widget(I don't move the mouse at the time of clicking) and then start moving the mouse left and this is the output I get:
press event: real mouse position: QPoint(504,308) virtual mouse position: QPoint(359,340) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(358,340) <- All is fine, the mouse is in the center of the widget virtual mouse position: QPoint(358,340) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(357,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(356,340) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(358,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(355,340) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(358,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(354,340) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(356,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(351,340)
- I move the mouse to the left over the widget and press the mouse button while moving the mouse.
Here's the output I get:
press event: real mouse position: QPoint(638,309) virtual mouse position: QPoint(359,340) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(637,309) <- Something went wrong, my mouse cursor didn't move to the center of the widget! virtual mouse position: QPoint(637,309) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(634,309) virtual mouse position: QPoint(912,278) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(356,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(909,278) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(358,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(908,278) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(355,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(904,278) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(357,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(902,278) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(358,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(901,278) move event: real mouse position: QPoint(356,340) virtual mouse position: QPoint(898,278)
It turns out that if I press the button while moving the mouse, the cursor is not placed in the center and I have problems.
How can I avoid this? -
do you really want to pass the event to the parent after processing it in the override?
@Kent-Dorfman Even if I don't do it, I will face this problem.