[Tutorial] How to set up Urho3D (Shared, MinGW) in Qt Creator IDE
It is so simple to set up Urho3D-1.7.1 in Qt Creator IDE on Windows 10:
- Download and install Open Source Qt MinGW: https://www.qt.io/download-open-source
- Download and unzip " Urho3D-1.7.1-MinGW-SHARED.zip", for example, to "E:/Libs" folder
- Run Qt Creator and create a new project: "File" > "New File or Project" > "Other Project" > "Empty qmake Project" > click the "Choose..." button > type a name of project, for example: Urho3D_QtCreator > click "Next" > "Next" > "Finish"
- Create a "main.cpp" file and copy this code to it:
#include <Urho3D/Engine/Application.h> #include <iostream> class MyApp : public Urho3D::Application { public: MyApp(Urho3D::Context * context) : Urho3D::Application(context) { } virtual void Setup() { std::cout << "Setup" << std::endl; } }; URHO3D_DEFINE_APPLICATION_MAIN(MyApp)
- Copy these settings to the .pro file:
CONFIG += c++11 INCLUDEPATH += "E:\Libs\Urho3D-1.7.1-MinGW-SHARED\include\Urho3D\ThirdParty" INCLUDEPATH += "E:\Libs\Urho3D-1.7.1-MinGW-SHARED\include" LIBS += -L"E:\Libs\Urho3D-1.7.1-MinGW-SHARED\lib\Urho3D" LIBS += -lUrho3D -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lcomdlg32 -lSetupapi -ladvapi32 -lwinmm -limm32 -lversion -lws2_32 -ldbghelp -lopengl32 -liphlpapi SOURCES += \ main.cpp
- Run the project by pressing on the green triangle button in left bottom corner (or Ctrl + R). You will see this error:
- To solve this error you need to copy two folders "CoreData" and "Data" from here “E:\Libs\Urho3D-1.7.1-MinGW-SHARED\share\Urho3D\Resources” to the "debug" folder where your .exe is located
- Run the project again and it works.
The development of Urho3D has been discontinued. The official repository was archived by the owner on 01/25/2023. The official forum has been removed and moved to archive. In readme on the official repository it is written that two active forks were formed from Urho3D: Dviglo and Turso3D:
Active work on the engine without maintaining backward compatibility is being done in the fork Dviglo.
The founder of Urho3D (Lasse Öörni) is currently working on Turso3D.
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