Compiling Qt Application with source code (no .pro file)
Hello, I recently got some source code from someone but I am failing to compile it. It contains the .cpp files, header files, .ui file and .qrc file but no .pro file.. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
@The-Times You can simply create a default widget app with qrc resource file in QtCreator and copy its pro file, then adjust that pro file.
Hello,- You can create a new Qt Creator project and then add the source files into it (I'm not very familiar with QT Creator);
- Or you can create a new Visual Studio SLN from these sources, if you have the QT VS Addin, and then add the source files into it.
You will have some settings to tweak after creating the project, but you should be able to compile something in a short amount of time. ^^
@The-Times Please read once more what I wrote
Another solution is to call "qmake -project" in the folder where these files are. It will build a basic .pro file based on these files. You will have to adjust some stuff like the modules to use.
@jsulm Thanks, I managed to create the .pro file and import it to VS. However when I build the solution, I get this error :
" Error 1 error MSB3073: The command ""D:\CHAI3D\Qt\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\rcc.exe" --list "....\CHAI3D" > "x64\Debug\rcc_list.txt" 2> nul" exited with code 1. C:\Users\Krystal\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qtrcc.targets 74 5 MyGui"Do you have any idea on how I could go on about resolving it?
@SGaist Thanks for the reply! I believe I have successfully created the .pro file but when I try to compile the solution in VS studio, I get the following error:
error MSB3073: The command ""D:\CHAI3D\Qt\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\rcc.exe" --list "....\CHAI3D" > "x64\Debug\rcc_list.txt" 2> nul" exited with code 1. C:\Users\krystal\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qtrcc.targets 74 5 MyGui
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
@The-Times Can you build a simple Qt app created via the app template, or a Qt example app?
@The-Times Can you post your pro file?
@jsulm Do you mean this?
#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2021-02-10T10:04:29 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core gui greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets TARGET = MyGui TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp\ ModelDemo.cpp \ ModelWidget.cpp HEADERS += \ ui_modeldemo.h \ ui_ModelWidget.h FORMS += \ ../../CHAI3D Application/Qt Program/external/ModelDemo.ui \ ../../CHAI3D Application/Qt Program/external/ModelDemo.ui \ ../../CHAI3D Application/Qt Program/external/ModelDemo.ui \ ModelDemo.ui RESOURCES += \ ../../CHAI3D Application/Qt Program/external/ModelDemo.qrc \ ModelDemo.qrc DISTFILES += \ ../../external/CHAI3D/CHAI3D-VS2013.vcxproj
@jsulm I just don't even know what to try to do to resolve this error:
"error MSB3073: The command ""D:\CHAI3D\Qt\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\rcc.exe" --list "....\CHAI3D" > "x64\Debug\rcc_list.txt" 2> nul" exited with code 1. C:\Users\krystal\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qtrcc.targets 74 5 MyGui"
@The-Times I'm wondering why most of your files are two levels above the pro file (../../*), but ModelDemo.qrc is not? Same for ModelDemo.ui.
Why don't you put the pro file into CHAI3D Application/Qt Program/external? Everything belonging to a project should be in same folder, else it's a mess. -
@jsulm Really, thanks for your help. I reordered the files and made sure to organize everything, and understood why the error was occurring. Now I am getting other different errors and this is starting to feel like a never-ending cycle
@The-Times Happy coding!