Qt Creator: Search and replace in whole project
I think that the dialog that shows up when you press Ctrl+Shift+F it's something similar to what you're looking for.
I'm using Qt Creator 1.3.1 and I don't know if its available in older versions.
Edit: Now I've checked the dialog I told you and I have seen that it lacks of replacement feature :(
But then I remembered other shortcut that I think that it does what you want: Set the cursor over the text that you want to replace in the whole project and then press Ctrl+Shift+R , then in the Search Results panel it will appear a tree of the files and lines where the text that you searched appears and a line edit where you can write the new text. -
mkfnx Feature you've told about is refactor feature, not simple search&replace;. For example, you can change class name by this feature easily, but can't change email in all license headers.
This feature has been added for Qt Creator 2.0. Don't wait for the final release, try a "nightly build":ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator/snapshots/ or the "beta release":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/qt-qtcreator-prerelease#download! :-)
(nightlies are more recent and should generally be more stable at this point)
chetankjain: Thanks:-)