c++ Rest APi 3rd party integration Question
I try to use webcc rest server with Qt framework.
Its working so far so good.
I want to get form data via signal slot but sitll can not.
#ifndef RESTAPI_H #define RESTAPI_H //#include "rest_server.h" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "webcc/logger.h" #include "webcc/response_builder.h" #include "webcc/server.h" #include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp> #include <QPixmap> #include <QObject> class RestApi : public QObject , public webcc::View { Q_OBJECT public: explicit RestApi (QObject *parent = nullptr) ; int image_counter = 0; public slots: void start_Rest(); webcc::ResponsePtr Handle(webcc::RequestPtr request) ; webcc::ResponsePtr Post(webcc::RequestPtr request); void sendPix(QPixmap &pix); signals: void rest_image_received(const QPixmap &qpix); void test_signal(); }; #endif // RESTAPI_H
#include "restapi.h" #include <QDebug> RestApi::RestApi(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { qDebug() << "xx restapi.cc REST API started " << endl; } void RestApi::start_Rest() { int PORT = 7000; WEBCC_LOG_INIT("", webcc::LOG_CONSOLE); std::uint16_t port = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(PORT); try { webcc::Server server{ boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port }; server.set_buffer_size(webcc::kBufferSize * 10); server.Route("/upload", std::make_shared<RestApi>(), { "POST" }); server.Run(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; // return 1; } } webcc::ResponsePtr RestApi::Handle(webcc::RequestPtr request) { if (request->method() == "POST") { return Post(request); } return {}; } webcc::ResponsePtr RestApi::Post(webcc::RequestPtr request) { emit test_signal (); std::cout << "form parts: " << request->form_parts().size() << std::endl; std::string resp ; for (auto& part : request->form_parts()) { std::cout << "name: " << part->name() << std::endl; resp = part->name(); if (part->file_name().empty()) { std::cout << "data: " << part->data() << std::endl; } else { size_t size=part->data().size(); if(true){ std::ofstream myFile ("/Users/tulpar/Projects/webcc-21Dec/build/webccData-QT"+ std::to_string (image_counter++) +".jpeg", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); myFile << part->data(); myFile.close (); QByteArray byteArray(part->data().c_str(), part->data().length()); QPixmap img; img.loadFromData (byteArray); RestApi::sendPix (img); } // Save part->data() as binary to file. // ... } } return webcc::ResponseBuilder{}.Created().Body(" .. OK " + resp)(); } void RestApi::sendPix(QPixmap &pix) { emit rest_image_received (pix); }
......bool connected = connect (restApi , &RestApi::rest_image_received , this , &MainWindow::showRestImage); bool connected_ = connect (restApi , &RestApi::test_signal , this , &MainWindow::test_sig);
its not receiving the pix
@RahibeMeryem said in c++ Rest APi 3rd party integration Question:
server.Route("/upload", std::make_shared<RestApi>(), { "POST" });
This creates a new instance where the signal is not connected.
@Christian-Ehrlicher bool connected and connected_ is true .
what am I missing ?
or how can I connect ?
@RahibeMeryem said in c++ Rest APi 3rd party integration Question:
what am I missing ?
You did not read my post. You're creating a new instance where you don't connect anything to it.
@RahibeMeryem said in c++ Rest APi 3rd party integration Question:
server.Route("/upload", std::make_shared<RestApi>(), { "POST" });
@Christian-Ehrlicher is there anyway to connect :
server.Route("/upload", std::make_shared<RestApi>(), { "POST" });
@RahibeMeryem said in c++ Rest APi 3rd party integration Question:
is there anyway to connect :
Yes, why not. You can create the needed pointer earlier.
Thank you for your help.
I am a user of c++ mostly. not deep knowledge.
Would you mind to show me where can I put ?
@RahibeMeryem said in c++ Rest APi 3rd party integration Question:
Would you mind to show me where can I put ?
It's basic stuff. Don't think it will help you in any way when you simply copy it from somewhere else.
I would suggest to pass the shared pointer to the start_Rest() function and therefore you can do the connection from where you call this function. -
is came up a good example which I use it . Thanks to Chunting Gu aka: sprinfall
Thank you.