Widget MouseHoverEvent Disable
Hello I want to disable widget on mousehover How Can I Can you help me
Thank you -
What do you mean?
So when the user hover mouse over a Widget, then its disabled ?
You could use an event filter to catch the hover event
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/eventsandfilters.html -
Since Qt's CSS does not support any enabled/disabled attribute to use for the:hover
pseudo-state you will have to do it in code by subclassingQWidget
and using the enterEvent/leaveEvent methods. -
@JonB @mrjj
Hello EveryBody have a good day I have a problem.
I want to read SerialPort 5 Megabit BaudRate and QCustomPlot with graphic plot
I have a problem When SerialPort read 5 megabit widget form on mouse hover crcCalculate error
I want to disable Widget on mousehover disable
How Can I and why get I crc calculate widget form on mousehover -
No idea what your latest question means.... Nor why serial port/custom plot widgets have the faintest connection to mouse hover, other than you needing to write whatever code you need to write.... -
I have a problem Serial port 5 megabit baudrate read data And QcustomPlot graph plot but widget mousehover when crccalculate error How Can I fixed
@alonewolfsemmmy said in
Hibut widget mousehover when crccalculate error How Can I fixed
This sentence dont really tell what is wrong.
Also what is crccalculate ?
Maybe a picture will help us understand what you need to fix or do ?
When I hover over the widget with the mouse while reading the serial port data, I get an error in the Crc32 calculation. That is, when the mouse moves, while reading the serial port at a speed of 5 megabits -
Ok, that way. well you could set the button to disabled so remove the hovering effect but
it sounds very odd that such a small effect would give you CRC errors. -
Okay How Can I you said please help me for example code:
ui->pusbutton ? thenk you -
Example code for what? And we expect you to write the code and ask questions, not just ask others to write it for you. -
No button to disabled so remove the hovering effect How Can I
I don't know how to turn off the button hovering effect
Please help me My friend I need your help -
No, you need to do some reading of the documentation, try some things, and write questions which people can understand, even if English is not your native language. -
This function
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwidget.html#enabled-prop -
@mrjj please I didn't you said Please tell me example thank you my friend
Its very helpful to be able to use the docs.
anyway, try
ui->buttoname->setEnabled(false);the button should show a bit grey and no hover effect.
You said didn't work I want to widget on mousehover disable effect widget
All Right Have you advice CRC-32/MPEG-2 calculate function because When I move on widget form Crc 32 calculate error What Can I fixed -
That is hard to guess on as why would a hover eefct break the CRC calculation in first place ?Did you watch your cpu usage ? is it at 100% ?
Okay my brother I will try you said cpu usage
@mrjj my brother
SerialPort 5 megabit buadrate cpu Usage