Qt Design Studio shut down suddenly
Hi everyone,
I've a project developed in QT Design Studio (version before the current one).
After update it to the last version, i cannot simply open my UI files that contains animations and modify them.Everytime I open the file, the program crashes and goes down.
I have tried to understand what is causing the problem and figured out that if the following code is commented, the UI file opens without problems.
KeyframeGroup { target: loginScreen_Base property: "opacity" Keyframe { frame: 0 value: 0 } Keyframe { frame: 674 value: 1 } }
I've executed it using Terminal and when the program crashes, I get the following error:
QFileSystemWatcher::removePaths: list is empty QFileSystemWatcher::removePaths: list is empty Exception: "InvalidPropertyException" Function: "parentProperty" File: "/Users/qt/work/build/qt-creator/src/plugins/qmldesigner/designercore/model/modelnode.cpp" Line: 381 "file: /Users/qt/work/build/qt-creator/src/plugins/qmldesigner/designercore/model/modelnode.cpp, function: parentProperty, line: 381" libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type QmlDesigner::InvalidPropertyException [24289:647800:20201228,183653.987186:WARNING crash_report_exception_handler.cc:240] UniversalExceptionRaise: (os/kern) failure (5) Abort trap: 6
I've already reinstalled the entire qt suite a couple of times, and I always get the same error.
I've also tried with a new project, but as soon as I start to use animations, the program crashes with that error.
I've tried also the Windows version (I've been using MacOS) and the problem persists.I know that I can always skip animations and develop a simple UI, but I rather not do it.
So, if you have any other suggestion, or a possible solution to this, please, help me out to figure what is causing this!
Info about my QT Design Studio:
Qt Design Studio 2.0.0 Based on Qt 5.15.2 (Clang 11.0 (Apple), 64 bit) Built on Dec 17 2020 15:44:57 From revision 45b35d29fb
Thank you!