Problem Qt for Android
I want to run Qt as an android application. Despite installing the necessary packages, I get the following error. What do you think could be the problem? The versions I use are as follows;Qt: 5.11.1
Qt Creator: 4.6.2
Android NDK: r10e
Android SDK: 26.1.1
Android JDK: 8u271
Android API level: 30
(SDK Version: 26.1.1, NDK Version: 10.4.0)The Error:
The API level set for the APK is less than the minimum required by the kit.
The minimum API level required by the kit is 16.
Error while building/deploying project accelbubble (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.11.1 for Android armv7))
When executing step "Build Android APK"Qt Devices image:
AFAIK the message shall relate to the target SDK setting as in here:
Note this screenshot is taken from a much younger creator version 4.13.2.
You are using creator V4.6.2 and since then a lot has changed. I recommend updating to a more recent creator version.
The same also for the Qt lib version you are using.