Buttons are not released on touchscreen when rotating Qt app in framebuffer.
General and Desktop
I have a strange problem with touchscreen and Qt app. I have Raspberry Pi 4 connected to the official 7-inch DSI touchscreen. The screen is inverted in the case so I needed to rotate my Qt application. I run the app by:
/home/pi/MyApp -platform linuxfb:fb=/dev/fb0:rotation=180 -plugin evdevtouch
And to inverse the touchscreen in Qt I have:
qputenv("QT_QPA_EVDEV_TOUCHSCREEN_PARAMETERS", QByteArray("/dev/input/event0:rotate=180"));
At first glance everything looks fine, the screen is rotated but the touchscreen not. When I tap on the screen when the button is, it get pressed but not released and stays at the "pressed" state and if I tap on the opossite corner of the screen the button is pressed and released normally. It seems like the app interprets every tap both ways (inverted and normal). Can't figure out why is it like that and how to rotate the touchscreen properly.