[Solved] Unit test failure notification
deanz: Qt Creator parses the compile output to generate the build issues. It does not expect unit test results when building, so it does not parse them and thus nothing ends up in the build issues.
Sorry, there is no workaround available that I am aware of. We want to add proper unit test integration, but so far nobody found the time to actually do it:-/
Hmmm... thinking about this: With a bit of hacking you could get your test results displayed in the build issues:-)
I added a TaskList plugin a while back which grabs a file in CSV format and puts it into the build issues plane. So maybe you can wrap your unit test runner into a script that turns the output into such an CSV file... Creator does watch the file and updates the build issue pane whenever the file changes.
Here is my "announcement mail":http://lists.trolltech.com/pipermail/qt-creator/2010-August/007574.html with some information on the syntax accepted. I think this information is actually already in the documentation, but I am not sure where;-)
deanz: It is called TaskList and is included in Qt Creator 2.1 beta. Sorry, I should have mentioned that:-)
Oh, for now you need to open the .tasks file (once) via File->Open. When opening it any other way you get it displayed in an editor:-(
Yes, writing that plugin was 2h well spend;-)
Actually I only did it since I wanted to get our count of krazy (some static code analysis tool) issues down and was too lazy to hop to each place manually. Good to hear that it works for other use-cases as well;-)
tbscope: Being able to hack up a script to import an arbitrary list of issues into Creator is not exactly a "static code quality plugin":-)
I am looking forward to see your plugin! I am sure it will be way more user friendly than my hack.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1287579812"]Actually I only did it since I wanted to get our count of krazy (some static code analysis tool) issues down and was too lazy to hop to each place manually. Good to hear that it works for other use-cases as well;-)[/quote]
Hi Tobias.
we plan to use your plugin to display all the tasks generated by a static code analysis tool.
It works great, there is just one thing left:
For each task there exists documentation in the form of a html file. We want to be able to somehow open the html file via some handy action (right click on the task->open documentation or sth.)Do you think it would be possible to add such a functionality to your plugin?
Well perhaps it is not only your plugin that would have to be extended but also the BuildIssues Implementation...Regards,
Markus -
Hi Markus!
There is no such code in creator yet.
We do have the concept of TaskHandlers though: Just create one that can accept your task and then displays the help if it is able to match the task to one of your HTML files.
This should be very easy to implement in a plugin. There should be no need to meddle with existing Qt Creator code for this.
Best Regards,
Tobias -
Thanks for your response.
I just finished a TaskHandler that does what I want =) Now the next step is to put this into a plugin.I have to say, I really like the QtCreator code. Each time I need some extra functionality it is very easy to do that. The codebase is very friendly towards extending it!
Took you less than 11min to write that TaskHandler... I am impressed!
Thanks for the compliments on our code. Positive feedback is always appreciated:-)
Well, I just used the CopyTaskHandler as a template and wrote 11 lines of code ;-)
Howdy folks,
Great topic! Because I wanted to try out test driven development, I was looking for a convenient way to get UnitTest++ output into the QtCreator Build Issues pane. Luckily, the TaskHandler functionality has recently been added to QtCreator, so it could be done easier than I expected. Anyhow, I just wrote the QtTaskTestReporter class below. You can use it in a testinstantiator like this:
// --------------- testinstantiator.cpp ---------------
#include "UnitTest++.h"
#include "TestRunner.h"
#include "QtTaskTestReporter.h"/* #include files containing your tests here */
int main( int argc, const char* argv[])
UnitTest::QtTaskTestReporter reporter;
UnitTest::TestRunner runner(reporter);
runner.RunTestsIf(UnitTest::Test::GetTestList(), NULL, UnitTest::True(), 0);
return 0;
@Just build the testinstantiator along wih your executable, and add running the testinstantiator executable as a Custom Process Step, after Make, under "Build Steps" in the "Projects -> Build Settings" pane. After Opening the generated .tasks file once with QtCreator, QtCreator will display UnitTest++ failures in the build issues pane during the entire QtCreator session. This enables swift, one-click navigation to the failing unit tests.
I hope this is as useful to you as it is to me.
// --------------- QtTaskTestReporter.h ---------------
/*- QtTaskTestReporter. Writes UnitTest++ output to a .task file.
- Author: Daan Baas 2011 the.daanbaas@gmail.com
#define QTTASKTESTREPORTER_H#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "TestReporter.h"
#include "TestDetails.h"namespace UnitTest
class QtTaskTestReporter : public TestReporter
QtTaskTestReporter(const std::string& outputFileName = "unittest++.tasks");virtual void ReportTestStart(TestDetails const& test){ /* empty */ } virtual void ReportFailure(TestDetails const& test, char const* failure); virtual void ReportTestFinish(TestDetails const& test, float secondsElapsed){ /* empty */ } virtual void ReportSummary(int totalTestCount, int failedTestCount, int failureCount, float secondsElapsed); private: struct TaskData { //mimics a task from QtCreator's project explorer plugin //legal values for type are: "Unknown", "Error" and "Warning" std::string fileName; std::string lineNumber; std::string type; std::string description; }; std::string taskToTabSeparatedString(const TaskData& iask) const; std::string backSlashesToForwardSlashes(const std::string& inputStr) const; std::string intToString(int number) const; void writeTasksToOutputFile() const; typedef std::vector< TaskData > TaskList; TaskList m_tasks; const std::string m_outFileName; };
}//end namespace UnitTest
#endif // QTTASKTESTREPORTER_H//--------------- QtTaskTestReporter.cpp ---------------
- QtTaskTestReporter. Writes UnitTest++ output to a .task file.
- Author: Daan Baas 2011 the.daanbaas@gmail.com
#include "qttasktestreporter.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>namespace UnitTest
QtTaskTestReporter::QtTaskTestReporter(const std::string& outputFileName)
//note: you can choose your own output filename, but make sure it has the
//".tasks" extension so it can be picked up by the QtCreator task handler
}void QtTaskTestReporter::ReportFailure(TestDetails const& test, char const* failure) { TaskData failTask; failTask.fileName = backSlashesToForwardSlashes(test.filename); failTask.lineNumber = intToString(test.lineNumber); failTask.type = "Error"; std::stringstream failureMessage; failureMessage << "error: Failure in " << test.testName << ": " << failure; failTask.description = failureMessage.str() ; m_tasks.push_back(failTask); } void QtTaskTestReporter::ReportSummary(int totalTestCount, int failedTestCount, int failureCount, float secondsElapsed) { writeTasksToOutputFile(); } std::string QtTaskTestReporter::taskToTabSeparatedString(const TaskData& task) const { std::string result; result = task.fileName + '\t' + task.lineNumber + '\t' + task.type + '\t' + task.description; return result; } std::string QtTaskTestReporter::backSlashesToForwardSlashes(const std::string& inputStr) const { using namespace std; string result = inputStr; replace(result.begin(), result.end(), '\\', '/'); return result; } std::string QtTaskTestReporter::intToString(int number) const { std::stringstream ss; ss << number; return ss.str(); } void QtTaskTestReporter::writeTasksToOutputFile() const { using namespace std; ofstream file(m_outFileName.c_str()); if(!file) { cerr << "error: QtTaskTestReporter::ReportTestFinish() cannot open output file"; return; } TaskList::const_iterator pos; for(pos = m_tasks.begin(); pos != m_tasks.end(); ++pos) { file << taskToTabSeparatedString(*pos) << std::endl; } file.close(); }
}//end namespace UnitTest
@ -
I've started working on a test runner for Google Test kind of like dano's (thanks for the example!). The one thing I'm not happy about, however, is the need to manually open the .tasks file every time you restart the IDE. It doesn't seem to stick with the session or anything to automatically open the next time you run.
Anybody have any suggestions on improving that situation?
Eric -
Hi All,
I have found an easier way to integrate the output from any unittest framework(or any other tool for that matter) into the issue pane of QtCreator, so that one click on an issue will directly take you to the corresponding testcase source file and line.
Basically QtCreator parses the stderr stream and identifies issues. QtCreator is only aware of the format which compiler uses to report errors. So the trick is to format your error logs in the same format used by your compiler. This can be done either directly within unit test framework or by your own custom code to reformat the error strings from the framework and write to stderr.
For eg, on linux-gcc setup the expected error format is as below,
<source-file-path>:<line>:<column>: error: <error message>Unittest++, which is my choice of unit test framework reports errors almost in a similar format on linux. But those errors were written to stdout and the column number was missing from the error message.
So I just changed the error printing line in Unittest++ source code to conform to the above format(with a dummy value for column), and that's it. Now the unit test failures will appear as issues, and mouse click will take you to the line of failure.My change for unittest++ is following,
diff --git a/UnitTest++/src/TestReporterStdout.cpp b/UnitTest++/src/TestReporterStdout.cpp
index 563113c..96f725a 100644
--- a/UnitTest++/src/TestReporterStdout.cpp
+++ b/UnitTest++/src/TestReporterStdout.cpp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace UnitTest {
void TestReporterStdout::ReportFailure(TestDetails const& details, char const* failure)
#if defined(APPLE) || defined(GNUG)- char const* const errorFormat = "%s:%d: error: Failure in %s: %s\n";
char const* const errorFormat = "%s:%d:%d: error: Failure in %s: %s\n";
char const* const errorFormat = "%s(%d): error: Failure in %s: %s\n";
#endifusing namespace std;
- printf(errorFormat, details.filename, details.lineNumber, details.testName, failure);
- fprintf(stderr, errorFormat, details.filename, details.lineNumber, 1, details.testName, failure);
I am trying to get this change into unittest++, so that QtCreator will be supported out of the box.
I think QTestLib can also follow a similar approach(and I was surprised to learn that they don't do this already).-lijo
[Code formatting, please wrap in @-Tags, Volker]
lijo: There are a couple of limitations to your approach:
- This requires tests to run as part of the build system (otherwise the compiler output parsers are not active)
- This assumes a GCC based compiler, MSVC, Clang and others have very different output formats
I'd recommend using the tasklist feature of Qt Creator instead: Just open a CSV-file ("documentation":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-2.5/creator-task-lists.html) via File->Open and its contents will be displayed in the build issue pane. The view will be updated whenever the file changes.
I use this feature for a few different use-cases:
Getting the output of the Krazy static code analysis tool into Qt Creator
Run sanity checking scripts on my changed code (putting common errors and FIXME/TODO items into the build issues pane).
Both is done via scripts available in Qt Creator sources (check the scripts directory). It should be straight forward to write a script that takes the output of your unit test s and turns that into the format required for .tasks files.