How to get row and columns count in QGridLayout?
I have QGridLayout with 10 widgets on it ( 2 rows, 5 columns ). Next I delete all widgets from this layout using code:
QLayoutItem *item; while((item = lay->takeAt(0)) != 0) { if (item->widget()) { lay->removeWidget(item->widget()); delete item->widget(); } delete item; }
Now I would like to check how many row and columns has this layout, so I use rowCount(), columnCount(). I see numbers 2 and 5. I excepted 0 and 0.
So how can I get the real row number and column number ( 0, 0 )?
@JonB Thank you for answer
After delete widgets from QGridLayout ( it's empty ) I try add a few widgets for example 4. I still see that layout have set rows = 2 , columns = 5. When I check this using layout->columnCount() I see 5. Look ( RA. answer ):
Yes, I had realized this after I typed my answer, and was thinking of deleting it!So since as you say the accepted answer there is at, isn't that as good as it gets?
But otherwise it refers you to, where that solution states:
Removing a row or column (or even a single cell) from a QGridLayout is tricky
First, note that QGridLayout::rowCount() and QGridLayout::columnCount() always return the number of internally allocated rows and columns in the grid layout.
Note that it's unfortunately impossible to remove such an internal row or column from the grid layout. In other words, the row and column count of a grid layout can always only grow, but never shrink.
So isn't that your answer? You seem to be saying you don't like the answers there! :)