Cannot use WebRTC AudioCapture with WebEngineView connected to local server via WebKitSpeechRecognition
Qt WebKit
Hello. I am having trouble getting a WebEngineView to convert speech to text using the SpeechRecognition API.
if I access the same page from chrome, the URL is able to correctly recognize speech, but in the Qt Web Engine View, it doesn't even appear to be accessing the microphone.This is on Qt 5.15.0 on Kubuntu (lastest). Other Qt components are able to detect and use the microphone, however the WebEngineView cannot. No errors are returned and under closer inspection of the Qt 5.15.0 source code, it seems to be setting the feature to -1 by default with Q_UNREACHABLE() before it.. not sure what this implies or if its relevant but..
(From Qt 5.15 Source)
5.15.0/Src/qtwebengine/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cppstatic QQuickWebEngineView::Feature toFeature(QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::PermissionType type) { switch (type) { case QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::NotificationPermission: return QQuickWebEngineView::Notifications; case QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::GeolocationPermission: return QQuickWebEngineView::Geolocation; default: break; } Q_UNREACHABLE(); return QQuickWebEngineView::Feature(-1); } void QQuickWebEngineViewPrivate::runFeaturePermissionRequest(QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::PermissionType permission, const QUrl &url) { Q_Q(QQuickWebEngineView); Q_EMIT q->featurePermissionRequested(url, toFeature(permission)); }
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtWebEngine 1.10 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") WebEngineView { id: view anchors.fill: parent url: "" audioMuted: false onLoadingChanged: { if (!view.loading) { console.log("Requesting audio capture") // featurePermissionRequested(url, WebEngineView.MediaAudioCapture) view.grantFeaturePermission(url, WebEngineView.MediaAudioCapture, true) } } onFeaturePermissionRequested: { view.grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, feature, true) } Component.onCompleted: { } } }
... window.rc = new webkitSpeechRecognition() window.rc.onresult = function(result) { ...