qsTr not work with conditional operator
I'm working with release 5.15.1.
If I use qsTr with conditional operator, it doesn't translate the stringText{
property bool checked: true
text: checked? qsTr("Deselect all") : qsTr("Select all")
}This is the workaround
property bool checked: true
property string deselectAllString: qsTr("Deselect all")
property string selectAllString: qsTr("Select all")
text: checked? deselectAllString : selectAllString
} -
qsTr works with conditional operator .If translator is installed properly and checked value gets changed ,it should.for ex: following code works for me
Text {
id: tex
property bool checkin: false
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: checkin ? qsTr("Hai How are you"): qsTr("bye")}
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
tex.checkin = !tex.checkin