Loading qm file from ressources fails
General and Desktop
I try to load a qm file from the ressource system but it fails.
The code:
LanguageSelector::LanguageSelector(QObject *parent) : QObject{parent}, mTranslator{new QTranslator{this}} { loadEnglish(); } void LanguageSelector::loadEnglish() { QFile file(":/translations/quiz.en.qm"); if (!file.open(stdout, QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Can't find it!"; } if (!mTranslator->load(QLocale(QLocale::English), QLatin1String("quiz.en"), QLatin1String(":/translations"))) { qDebug() << "load english failed"; } }
Strangely I don't get an error on the
check as expected but loading the file withQTranslator
fails. What could be the Issue?The file with the code is in the folder:
The ressource file for the languages is directlyy in root:
The translations file:
<RCC> <qresource prefix="/"> <file>translations/quiz.de.qm</file> <file>translations/quiz.en.qm</file> <file>translations/quiz.es.qm</file> </qresource> </RCC>
@sandro4912 said in Loading qm file from ressources fails:
mTranslator->load(QLocale(QLocale::English), QLatin1String("quiz.en"), QLatin1String(":/translations"))) {
you may want to check the documentation of QTranslator::load() method
I checked it but I could not find an issue
I missed stating the separator in the method. Like this it works:
void LanguageSelector::loadLanguage(const QLocale::Language &newLanguage) { if (!mTranslator->load(QLocale(newLanguage), QLatin1String("quiz"), QLatin1String("."), QLatin1String(":/translations"))) { auto metaEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType<QLocale::Language>(); qDebug() << tr("load language %1 failed") .arg(metaEnum.valueToKey(newLanguage)); } else { qDebug() << mTranslator->filePath(); } }