Is it ok? - QStandardItemModel and ownership of item
General and Desktop
A few weeks ago I ask:
Have I delete qstandarditem when I setItem() in QStandardItemModel. I get answer:
"The model owns the items and will delete them so no manually deleting is needed."
And docs: the item for the given row and column to item. The model takes ownership of the item. If necessary, the row count and column count are increased to fit the item. The previous item at the given location (if there was one) is deleted.
Ok. So I check It:
for(auto text: itemsText) { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(text); wek.append(item); qInfo()<<item<<item->parent()<<"before"; itemModel->setItem(itemModel->rowCount(),0,item); qInfo()<<item<<item->parent()<<"after"; }
wek is the vector of QStandardItems *. I get texts:
0x2e9d780 0x0 before 0x2e9d780 0x0 after 0x2e9d400 0x0 before 0x2e9d400 0x0 after 0x2e9d4e0 0x0 before 0x2e9d4e0 0x0 after
I check wek after setModel() in QComboBox:
setModel(itemModel); for(auto x:wek) qInfo()<<x<<x->parent();
I get:
0x2e9d780 0x0 0x2e9d400 0x0 0x2e9d4e0 0x0
And my question: Are parents ok? I get 0x0 and when I read doc I think I should get parent = itemModel. Is it ok?
Ownership and qobject parent / child relationship are two similar but different things. Just because an object takes ownership of another object there is not need that one is the parent of the other.