Flickable with Scrollbar Touch Issues
I have a Flickable (actually it's a TableView) in QML. Flick gestures and mouse gestures seem to work fine. However, the scrollbar does not seem to respond to touch drag or press events. These same gestures with the mouse seem to work fine with a left click on the background of the scrollbar or a left click and drag on the handle of the scroll bar. My preference is to be able to flick or drag the scrollbar handle at will (no mouse).
TableView { id: eventLogView anchors{left: parent.left; leftMargin: 30; top: filterInputFields.bottom; topMargin: 10 right: parent.right; rightMargin: 60; bottom: footerSeparator.top } flickableItem.boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds flickableItem.synchronousDrag: false frameVisible: false headerVisible: true alternatingRowColors: false horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff verticalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn sortIndicatorColumn: 0 sortIndicatorOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder model: sqlELmodel ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { // Orientation, Position, Size & Active auto-set z: 100 enabled: true interactive: true minimumSize: 0.10 width: 10 snapMode: ScrollBar.SnapAlways } style: TableViewStyle { id: tvStyle decrementControl: Rectangle { width: 0 visible: false } incrementControl: Rectangle { width: 0 visible: false } scrollToClickedPosition: true handle: Rectangle { visible: (recNum > 4) implicitWidth: 10 radius: width/2 color: "#2EA2EC" } scrollBarBackground: Rectangle { visible: (recNum > 4) width: 10 radius: width/2 color: "#DBDDDD" } headerDelegate: Rectangle {
-Rich -
Here's a one file simple example that shows the problem. I can drag the vertical scrollbar handle with the mouse but not with a touch. I can click in the scrollbar background with the mouse but not with a touch. How does one fix this? It's almost like the ScrollBar is a ScrollIndicator.
import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 Window { width: 641 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello World") Rectangle { width: 640 height: 200 anchors.fill: parent TableView { id: tv horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff verticalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn TableViewColumn { role: "title" title: "Title" width: 100 } TableViewColumn { role: "author" title: "Author" width: 200 } model: libraryModel1 style: TableViewStyle { decrementControl: Rectangle { width: 0 visible: false } incrementControl: Rectangle { width: 0 visible: false } scrollToClickedPosition: true handle: Rectangle { visible: true implicitWidth: 10 radius: width/2 color: "#2EA2EC" } scrollBarBackground: Rectangle { visible: true width: 10 radius: width/2 color: "#DBDDDD" } } ListModel { id: libraryModel1 ListElement { title: "A Masterpiece" author: "Gabriel" } ListElement { title: "Brilliance" author: "Jens" } ListElement { title: "Outstanding" author: "Frederik" } ListElement { title: "A Masterpiece" author: "Gabriel" } ListElement { title: "Brilliance" author: "Jens" } ListElement { title: "Outstanding" author: "Frederik" } ListElement { title: "A Masterpiece" author: "Gabriel" } ListElement { title: "Brilliance" author: "Jens" } ListElement { title: "Outstanding" author: "Frederik" } } } } }
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If your embedded device uses touch screen, the input for scrollbar is disabled when a touch input is used as it's not really practical and and flicking the view is usually preferred with touch input.
However, if you attach a mouse to your device the input works for scrollbar is it mainly ignoring the input that is not coming from a genuine mouse, but accepts it when a real mouse is used.
Does this make sense to you?
I read this as for touch a scrollbar is basically a scroll indicator.