How to disable Creator debugger changing editor focus?
When a break point is reached, Qt Creator used to display that break point in the active, in-focus editor pane/split. Now, if an editor pane/split exists containing the file with that break point, Qt Creator will change focus to that pane/split and locate the break point there. How can I disable this new behavior and have the debugger again open break and stack points in the desired active pane/split, rather than changing to out of focus pane/splits that exist for another reason?
I am using QtCreator 4.13.2 with Qt 5.15.1, with GDB 9.2 in Ubuntu 20.04.1.
I used to be able to open a new editor split, run the debugging session within it, and then close or minimize that split to continue my editing session. Now it is impossible to maintain the state of my editor splits during a debugging run.
Apologies for ressurecting this old topic, but I have had the same irritations with the new behaviour for a while now.
Similar to the debugger behaviour explained in the previous post, the build issues pane behaves the same: When I double-click an issue to jump to the point in the file, one of the editor splits will be used, but not necessarily the last active (last focussed) one. In previous versions of QtCreator, the behaviour was to always use the last active split. In this way, one could give a certain split focus before double-clicking on an issue, and in doing so choose which split will be used.
Project level find (Ctrl+Alt+F) still behaves in the old way, where it will jump to the result using the last active editor split.
Is there a solution to get the old behaviour, and/or a possibility to make it a preference option?