Project [ moreless interactive Canvas and data visualization ]
Resources: the newest version Qt5, cmake for compiling
2D PROJECTHello, iam new in Qt but i already have dive into structure etc.
I have started to make basics of my project consist of interactive Canvas and data visualization, i have set up sql database and other data resources and actions to process them correctly...Main idea:
visualizing data structures.How:
- i want to add huge rezisable and zoomable canvas for main widget.
- In there i will spawn other widget structures for example: Header[table]/n table with row and coll data --> ( there will be multiple this forms in canvas )
- each ineer widget structure will have other buttons for ( as it is in databases ) moving to related tables show brief info etc.
Main problem:
- i did not found certain class and information to perform such actions.
- till now i found Qgraphics class and its subclasses which cover some features, but i think they are mainly used for images like purposes ( zooming pixels, moving in the image )
Mysql server i used, have same functionality called graphical view of database ( but i think it is done in javascript )Questions:
- how can i create canvas and automatically generate there other widgets
- there should be also functionality to zooming for better view ( including widgets ), moving around by mouse holding
- setting main view positions and jumping to related tables
closest resembling to Graphviz tool i have found, but it serve for something else.
Have you got someone any ideas how can i achieve my goals or at least come closer to it ??
All i have found is about that Qgraphics and images stuffs.thanks for every opinion and comment.
Has it to be a canvas / graphic widget? You get similar behavior when using
(move around, resize, un- / dock).
The dock widget's content would be your table/ sql data model then.For the
approach there is this: -
hmm that looks really good to me.
in my case QDockWidgets can be used this way.
i will look deeper into this.
The main problem i consider to set an infinite sized window with functions like (user)camera position set this position and also track it by structured widgets(QDockWidgets) positions in whole view(canvas), other related stuffs can be derived from that base components i suppose. -
@FutureDesigner please don't triple post! Since you already received replies in this post, you may need to close posts here and here.