What's the best dcvs to use with Qt ?
A good troll is the best way to generate so activity, and to test more :)
Personally, I use bzr, but the lack of support in various IDE is anoying, and it's too bad Qt's translation system isn't compatible with Launchpad (not out of the box).
What about you ?
errrm, what's a dcvs? :) If you mean a versioning system, we use git and love it! Personally I still need some help when I make an ass out of myself, but being able to develop offline and then push a big chunk of commits is really awesome
have to admit that I tried mercurial as well. it might be faster on windows, but it is missing @stash@ out of the box. there is also Tortoise GUI.
I use git for my projects also on the projects that I intent to contribute, they're using git as well, but I don't like the Linus' attitude on it :P (like the one here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxkGKtVNdik)
Let me feed the troll: Why would there be one best? And why would the use of Qt matters when choosing the visioning system? (Or is your question: what is the dvcs that is best integrated in Creator?)
[quote author="Henrik Hartz" date="1273150246"]errrm, what's a dcvs? :) If you mean a versioning system, we use git and love it! Personally I still need some help when I make an ass out of myself, but being able to develop offline and then push a big chunk of commits is really awesome[/quote]
@git stash
git pull --rebase
git stash pop@Trying out some quoting.
It looks like textile turned two '-' into an em-dash.
[quote author="stephen" date="1273252765"]It looks like textile turned two '-' into an em-dash. [/quote]
I'll have some words with textile, thanks!
Textile will behave now, the fix is in.
Personally I like Mercurial. Because it works better than Git on my Windows 7. And TortoiseHg is good too.
But for Qt apps, maybe Git is better choise. See "gitorious":http://qt.gitorious.org/ . :)
I like a lot subversion, because is very easy to set up your own server for personal user and the integration with QtCreator works very good as well
Git for me too. Before I used Subversion but switched to Git because it creates a full local copy of the repository and has much easier branch control.
I saw a blueprint about adding bzr support to Qt Creator over at the ubuntu web page. Check the "Creator plugin page":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Qt_Creator_Plug-in_Gallery for a link.
PS: Please update the page if anything needs updating or you know of a plugin that is missing there.
I use Git only because it seems to work slightly better than bzr, but I'm with Milot, I can't stand Linus. One pro for me is, I'm seeing more repositories out there that support git, especially in the Ruby community.
I might give mercurial a try.
Subversion seems to be a great central repository. I sometimes have a central repo with svn and use git or bzr locally. There are pros and cons to this depending on which dvcs you use.
A lot of Qt projects (including Qt itself) are hosted on "gitorious.org":http://gitorious.org, so I would say try git there first. It's pretty simple even for people who don't know anything about git.
This short FAQ should get you started: "FAQ":http://gitorious.org/about/faq -
I haven't used any other DVCS then git. Using SVN after getting acquainted with git is like being a prisoner in "Plato's Cave":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave that is let out to gaze upon the sun then bundled back into the cave and chained to the wall again.
Git plug: A great reference site for git is "git ready":http://www.gitready.com/
I've tried Monotone, Mercurial, Subversion and Git. Ended up with Git.
Mercurial didn't have inline branching and rebase back then.
Git feels more natural. Things getting easier day by day. Especially when you are the kind of guy who like to make last minute decision.
Shame on me, I have been lazy and still havent tested none of those, I just copy my current project directory and start a branch from there.
Humm, a couple a days ago just had a nasty hard disk crush, I think I'm going to loose 2 weeks of development, so it's time to start looking for a on-line repository. I think will try git... -
I am simply unable to function with Git - it is a mutual hate/hate relationship.
Mercurial on the other hand worked almost out-of-the-box for me and it works fine in Qt-Creator to.
There's a nice comparison between git and mercurial on "some blog somewhere":http://importantshock.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/git-vs-mercurial/. It basically states that git is MacGuyver, while Mercurial is James Bond. Just read it for some more.