Hide *.pri include in Project Tree
Each file "include.pri" that i include in my project.pro file is listed in the project tree of the Qt Creator.
Is there a way to hide particular included files in the project tree?
Unfortionetaly, i did not receive help in that matter. Let me reform my question(s).
Question 1.) How do i hide an included PRI file from the QT Creator Project Tree?
Question 2.) How can i change the name in the project tree of a PRI file include to something else than the filename?
Question 3.) If a PRI file is included which includes another PRI file, then i would like to have them nested. how can i do this?
I have found some partial solutions to my own questions. :-)
1.) I found the function called load and instead of a PRI file i include now $$PWD/xxxx.prf - I know it is not really an include but it does exactly what i needed.
2.) Yes, i worried that this will not be possible.
3.) According to your answer, i have tested it but it wont work. Can you give me an example how you make this work?
I think that the solution that Stefan Walter is referring to is to use fromfile() function to get some variables from .pri file.
It will hide the .pri file but it will evaluate the .pri file as many times as many variables your are assigning.
Here is an example-
BUILD_DIR = ../build
@ -
DESTDIR = $$fromfile(variables.pri, BUILD_DIR)
TESTDESTDIR = $$fromfile(variables.pri, TESTS_DIR)
As a result you will not see variables.pri on QtCreator "Projects" tree
But qmake will read variables.pri twice.Convenience vs performance.
Thanks for your reply and for explanations about fromfile() solution.
I'll see if I can use this solution, it's not sure because I set lot of custom variables in my pri files to create a specific environment (I use these pri like "plugins" for my different projects). In my case, I think, to use this solution mean copy all content of my pri files into my pro file. I'll study your solution.