QPushButton with border-image & 50% radius has pixelated border
I have the following styleSheet on a QPushButton
// Note: The QPushButton has a width of 50px and height of 50px // So, the border-radius: 25px makes it completely round QPushButton { border: none; border-radius: 25px; background: transparent; border-image: url(/*my image path*/) 0 0 0 0 stretch stretch; }
This gives me the intended result: A circular button with an image as its background.
Although, the border of the QPushButton looks jagged/pixelated.
Image of the end-result:
The large circle (the QPushButton in question) has a jagged/pixelated border, while the the small circle without a border-image has a smooth border.
Is there a way to make the QPushButton have a smoother border?
It may be worth mentioning that the border-image is a png.
First time posting on the Qt forum, so I apologize if this is in the wrong place. I appreciate anyones help :)
In case anyone else has this problem:
The first reply to this post ended up resolving my issue.This requires painting the image rather than loading it in via StyleSheets.
Note: I also added:
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true);
To further smoothen it out.
You can then set the QPushButtons icon to the returned QPixmap.
It seemed that the antialiasing was acting weird with the rounded border and border-image.
I was randomly trying to look for answers, and found out, even if that was not supposed to be the answer to my question, that :
using "border-image" instead of "background-image" or "image" literally remove the pixelized stuff and SOVLES IT ONCE FOR ALL !