QSortFilterProxyModel is not filtering
I have a very simple use case. I have subclassed a QListView to only show items from a model that have "table" written in the fourth column. So I subclass setModel to catch the sourcemodel and show the proxymodel instead. But the model still shows all items and it doesn't filter.
What could be the error here?
void OListView::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) { m_proxymodel->setSourceModel( model ); m_proxymodel->setFilterRegExp( QRegExp("table", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::FixedString) ); m_proxymodel->setFilterKeyColumn( 4 ); QListView::setModel( m_proxymodel ); }
I am not sure if your approach is sound.
Particularly you don't need to subclass QListView at all.
Secondly, QRegExp is deprecated, you should use QRegularExpression (there is a separate setter method, setFilterRegularExpression
So, the approach would be (apart from using QRegularExpression):- have a table model, let's say QSqlTableModel;
- then have a filtermodel - QSortFilterProxyModel;
- set source model in the filtermodel and assign filtermodel itself as a model to QListView with setModel() method.
It is all described in the documentation.
Having said that - after implementing the approach given above it all should work. You should also not forget to set filterRole property if the role you use is different than Qt::DisplayRole.
Please try and let us know if this sorted your problem out or if you need more help.
In addition to what @artwaw has written.have "table" written in the fourth column.
anything when there isQSortFilterProxyModel::setFilterFixedString()
, does that do a fixed string without any regular expressions?What do you mean by "fourth"? How does that compare to your
setFilterKeyColumn( 4 )
? Fifth?? -
@JonB I have also tried with setFilterFixedString and the proxymodel still doesn't filter. I don't need to set filterRole as it is display role be default.
As I understand the docs, I shouldn't need to subclass the proxymodel for such a simple use case. It should be working out of the box.
You are right I misspelled. It should be fifth column but the code is correct.Let me share a screen shot of the table I'm trying to filter.!