QWebSockets problems!
#ifndef MYSOCKET_H #define MYSOCKET_H // =========================================================================================================== // // INCLUDE // =========================================================================================================== // #include <QObject> #include <QtWebSockets/QWebSocket> // =========================================================================================================== // // Socket CLASS // =========================================================================================================== // class MySocket : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MySocket(QObject *parent = nullptr); void doConnect(QString URL); Q_SIGNALS: void closed(); void connected(); void onError(); private Q_SLOTS: void sendCommandStrip(const QString &bName, int bValue); void sendCommandMatrix(QString bValue); void close(); private: QWebSocket m_webSocket; QUrl m_url; bool m_debug; }; #endif // MYSOCKET_H
#include "MySocket.h" #include <QDebug> QT_USE_NAMESPACE // =========================================================================================================== // // CONSTRUCTOR // =========================================================================================================== // MySocket::MySocket(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::connected, this, emit &MySocket::connected); connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &MySocket::closed); connect(&m_webSocket, QOverload<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>::of(&QWebSocket::error), this, &MySocket::onError); /*connect(&m_webSocket, QOverload<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>::of(&QWebSocket::error), [=](QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) { qDebug() << "[ERROR][SOCKET] " << error; });*/ } // Socket Connected // =========================================================================================================== // void MySocket::doConnect(QString URL) { m_webSocket.open(QUrl(URL)); } // Send Message (For Strips) // =========================================================================================================== // void MySocket::sendCommandStrip(const QString &bName, int bValue) { m_webSocket.sendTextMessage(QStringLiteral("{%0:%1}").arg(bName).arg(bValue)); } // Send Message (For Matrix) // =========================================================================================================== // void MySocket::sendCommandMatrix(QString bValue) { m_webSocket.sendTextMessage(bValue); } // Socket Close // =========================================================================================================== // void MySocket::close() { m_webSocket.close(); qDebug() << "This is from MySocket, We are closing the connection"; }
#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QMainWindow> #include <QMap> #include <QString> #include "Structs.h" #include "MySocket.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } QT_END_NAMESPACE class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~MainWindow(); QMap<QString, DeviceInfo> board; QMap<QString, Pattern> pattern; Hue hue; MySocket Socket; public slots: void whenConnected(); void onError(); private slots: void on_BUTTON_ADD_DEVICE_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_QUIT_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_MINIMIZE_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_STUDIOLIGHT_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_NEONHEAVEN_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_VITRINESKAP_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_VOODOOMASK_clicked(); void on_BUTTON_TESTDEVICE_clicked(); void connectTo(QString selected_board); private: Ui::MainWindow *ui; protected: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) override; }; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
// =========================================================================================================== // // INCLUDE // =========================================================================================================== // #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "adddevice.h" #include "QMouseEvent" #include "QWindow" #include "Structs.h" #include <QFile> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QObject> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QCommandLineParser> #include <QCommandLineOption> #include "MySocket.h" #include "QDebug" // =========================================================================================================== // // MainWindow // =========================================================================================================== // MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), Socket(this), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // Remove the Microsoft Windows Window Frame // ======================================================================================================= // setWindowFlag(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); // Set window to fullscreen // ======================================================================================================= // //showFullScreen(); // Set software defaults at startup // ======================================================================================================= // ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); // Set Stack Widget to Welcome Page ( 0 ) ui->TEXT_DEFAULT->setText("Please Select A Board!"); // Set TEXT_DEFAULT ui->TEXT_ERROR->setVisible(false); // Hide TEXT_ERROR ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_DEVICE->setVisible(false); // Hide Device Name ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_ARROW->setVisible(false); // Hide Device Arrow ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_WALL->setVisible(false); // Hide Device Wall // Setup Device Struct // ======================================================================================================= // board.insert("Studio Lights", DeviceInfo{"Studio Lights", false, "", "online", "off"}); board.insert("Neon Heaven", DeviceInfo{"Neon Heaven", true, "", "online", "off"}); board.insert("Vitrineskap", DeviceInfo{"Vitrineskap", false, "vitrineskap", "online", "off"}); board.insert("Voodoo Mask", DeviceInfo{"Voodoo Mask", false, "voodoomask", "online", "off"}); board.insert("Test Device", DeviceInfo{"Test Device", false, "test123", "online", "off"}); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } // =========================================================================================================== // // ReEnable moving of window // =========================================================================================================== // void MainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) { if (QWindow *window = windowHandle()) window->startSystemMove(); } // =========================================================================================================== // // FUNCTIONS // =========================================================================================================== // void MainWindow::connectTo(QString selected_board) { // Set some UI defaults ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); // Show WelcomePage(0) ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_WALL->setVisible(false); // Hide Wall in titel bar ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_DEVICE->setVisible(false); // Hide Device Name connected to in titel bar ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_ARROW->setVisible(false); // Hide Arrows in titel bar ui->COMBO_SELECT_STRIP->setVisible(false); // Hide Combo Box in titel bar ui->COMBO_SELECT_STRIP->setEnabled(false); // Disable Combo Box ui->TEXT_DEFAULT->setText("Connecting to " + selected_board); // Set Text_Default ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_DEVICE->setText(selected_board); // Set text for Device connecting to in titel bar qDebug() << "[SOCKET][INFO] : Trying to connect to : " << selected_board; // Debugging connect(&Socket, &MySocket::connected, this, &MainWindow::whenConnected); // Connect Socket Signal to MainWindow Slot connect(&Socket, &MySocket::onError, this, &MainWindow::onError); // Connect Socket Signal to MainWindow Slot auto key = selected_board; // Lookup IP for the device selected if ( board.count(key) ) { DeviceInfo &di = board[key]; Socket.doConnect(QStringLiteral("ws://%1:80").arg(di.ip)); // Do The Socket Connection } else { qDebug() << "[STRUCT][ERROR] Did not find key @ " << selected_board; // Debugging } } void MainWindow::whenConnected() { qDebug() << "[SOCKET][INFO] : We are connected!"; // Debugging ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); // Show NeonPage(1) ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_WALL->setVisible(true); // Show Wall in titel bar ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_DEVICE->setVisible(true); // Show Device Name connected to in titel bar ui->TEXT_SOFTWARE_ARROW->setVisible(true); // Show Arrows in titel bar ui->COMBO_SELECT_STRIP->setVisible(true); // Show Combo Box in titel bar ui->COMBO_SELECT_STRIP->setEnabled(true); // Enable Combo Box } void MainWindow::onError() { qDebug() << "[SOCKET][ERROR] : Something happened!"; } // =========================================================================================================== // // BUTTONS // =========================================================================================================== // // ADD DEVICE // =========================================================================================================== // void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_ADD_DEVICE_clicked() { AddDevice addDevice; addDevice.setModal(true); addDevice.exec(); } // TITLE BAR // =========================================================================================================== // void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_QUIT_clicked() { close(); } void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_MINIMIZE_clicked() { showMinimized(); } void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_clicked() { if(isMaximized() == false){ showMaximized(); }else{ showNormal(); }} // DEVICE MENU // =========================================================================================================== // void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_STUDIOLIGHT_clicked() { connectTo("Studio Lights"); } void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_NEONHEAVEN_clicked() { connectTo("Neon Heaven"); } void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_VITRINESKAP_clicked() { connectTo("Vitrineskap"); } void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_VOODOOMASK_clicked() { connectTo("Voodoo Mask"); } void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_TESTDEVICE_clicked() { connectTo("Test Device"); } // DEVICE MENU // =========================================================================================================== //
i connect to a Online device
[SOCKET][INFO] : Trying to connect to : "Studio Lights" [SOCKET][INFO] : We are connected!
now that's fine and works as it should but if i now go on to connect to another device (either offline or online) in this case offline i get this
[SOCKET][INFO] : Trying to connect to : "Neon Heaven" [SOCKET][ERROR] : Something happened!
when i now go back to connecting to
Studio Lights
device i get this[SOCKET][INFO] : Trying to connect to : "Studio Lights" [SOCKET][INFO] : We are connected! [SOCKET][INFO] : We are connected! [SOCKET][INFO] : We are connected!
so im getting
3 x We Are Connected!
what am i doing wrong? -
@Kris-Revi said in QWebSockets problems!:
Each time you callMainWindow::connectTo(QString selected_board)
you are creating newconnect()
s. And since I don't see that you disconnect them, this leads to duplicate connections (Qt does not ignore them for you), leading to multiple calls of the slots.Since your
s do not do anything with the passed-inselected_board
, they only care aboutSocket
, theconnect()
s should only be done whereSocket
changes, i.e.MainWindow::MainWindow()
constructor, to ensure the connection is only made once. -
@JonB moved both
s to the MainWindow Constructor :) now behaves like it should!alltho im still unsure if the Socket closes properly... in
i have thisconnect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &MySocket::close); void MySocket::close() { m_webSocket.close(); qDebug() << "This is from MySocket, We are closing the connection"; }
This gets fired IF i close the GUI or the Device is offline and gets an error, shouldn't this also be fired off between devices? when i go from 1 device to another?
@Kris-Revi said in QWebSockets problems!:
when i go from 1 device to another?
Probably. Where do you open() the socket?
@JonB that happens in
in the MainWindow Class i haveMySocket Socket;
and in
i haveMainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), Socket(this), // <-------------------------- Socket as parent ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { void MainWindow::connectTo(QString selected_board) { qDebug() << "[SOCKET][INFO] : Trying to connect to : " << selected_board; // Debugging auto key = selected_board; // Lookup IP for the device selected if ( board.count(key) ) { DeviceInfo &di = board[key]; Socket.doConnect(QStringLiteral("ws://%1:80").arg(di.ip)); // Do The Socket Connection } else { qDebug() << "[STRUCT][ERROR] Did not find key @ " << selected_board; // Debugging } }
@Kris-Revi said in QWebSockets problems!:
MySocket Socket;
Just a side note: it's an accepted practice to name objects with lowercase; classes with uppercase.
@Pablo-J-Rogina noted! and changed!
Socket socket;
@Kris-Revi said in QWebSockets problems!:
Socket socket;
Well, based on your previous code snippets, it looks it would be:
MySocket socket;
@Pablo-J-Rogina i changed the class name aswell to match :)
Socket class
socket object