QJsonArray, type question
I am working with the QJson classes and putting together a descriptive string using the methods available. One such method is type(). I see in the debugger that if I test a QJsonValue for it's type using isArray() it returns true which is correct in the case I'm testing, but what I don't understand is when I then use:
What I'm seeing returned for an array is:
Why? Is this a bug? Shouldn't it be array?
The other types seem correct.
Here is the code that creates the object:
QJsonArray aryTest; QJsonObject objTest; QJsonObject test; aryTest.insert(0, QJsonValue("a")); aryTest.insert(1, QJsonValue("b")); aryTest.insert(2, QJsonValue("c")); test.insert("aryTest", aryTest); objTest.insert("a", QJsonValue("d")); objTest.insert("b", QJsonValue("e")); objTest.insert("c", QJsonValue("f")); test.insert("objTest", objTest);
Something is clearly wrong, when I single step through this object, for the first element and the QJsonValue("a"), I'm actually getting:
0 for the index which is correct, but "uint" for the type which isn't correct, the value is "a" which is also correct.
On searching for a solution it seems that the only supported types are:
QJsonValue::Null Empty QVariant QJsonValue::Bool QMetaType::Bool QJsonValue::Double QMetaType::Double QJsonValue::String QString QJsonValue::Array QVariantList QJsonValue::Object QVariantMap QJsonValue::Undefined Empty QVariant
And it looks like I will need to revert back to my original method which was a QStringList of types.
My solution, static array of types, values obtained from https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qjsonvalue.html#Type-enum:
QString clsScriptHelper::strType(QJsonValue::Type type) { static const uint8_t scuint8Undefined = 0x80 ,scuint8UndefinedIdx = 6; static const char* scpszTypes[] = {"Null" /*0*/ ,"Bool" /*1*/ ,"Double" /*2*/ ,"String" /*3*/ ,"Array" /*4*/ ,"Object" /*5*/ ,"Undefined" /*6*/ }; uint8_t uint8Idx = scuint8Undefined; if ( type != scuint8Undefined ) { uint8Idx = static_cast<uint8_t>(type); } if ( uint8Idx >= scuint8Undefined ) { uint8Idx = scuint8UndefinedIdx; } return scpszTypes[uint8Idx]; }```
Please provide some compilable code - I don't understand the problem or where you call jsonValue.type() or the problem with the first element.
@Christian-Ehrlicher I think it was pretty obvious, the QJson classes have a ::type function that returns a numeric representation of the type, there isn't a function that translates this into a string.
That's what I wanted.
It returns a QMetaType so you should take a look for such a function there and not in the json classes.