QGraphicsRectItem boundingRect() not updating with mousemove event
I have a QgraphicsRectItem, with a overridden boundingRect().
I try to print the boundingRect(), in ItemChange() with ItemPositionChange flag, but it doesn't update.TiltBoxItem::itemChange QPointF(-485.063,4.53229) TiltBoxItem::itemChange boundingRect:: QRectF(728.313,289.567 166.75x90.135) TiltBoxItem::itemChange m_BOX:: QRectF(728.813,290.067 165.75x89.135) TiltBoxItem::mouseMoveEvent m_BOX:: QRectF(728.813,290.067 165.75x89.135)
the value which shows for boundingRect and m_box is same as I drawn on scene. After that I have moved it throughout the scene, but the bounding box/m-box is not updated.
the code is like this
QRectF TiltBoxItem::boundingRect() const { return QGraphicsRectItem::boundingRect(); } QVariant TiltBoxItem::itemChange(QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if(change == QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionChange) { qInfo()<<__FUNCTION__<<value.toPointF(); qInfo()<<__FUNCTION__<<"boundingRect::"<<boundingRect(); qInfo()<<__FUNCTION__<<"m_BOX::"<<m_box; } return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(change, value); } void TiltBoxItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); update(); qInfo()<<__FUNCTION__<<"m_BOX::"<<m_box; }
m_box is
QRectF m_box; //and in ctor we initialize it m_box = rect; setRect(m_box);
Why the boundingRect is not updating with the mousemoveEvent?...is there some code required to update the boundingRect ?
Any help is appreciated.
boundingRect does not depend on the position of the item with respect to the scene since it is in coordinates with respect to the item. I recommend you review https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/graphicsview.html so that you understand the different coordinate systems that are handled.