Qt Creator uses Windows credentials for git instead of global settings
General and Desktop
every time I want to do a commit Qt Creator has filled in my Windows Login Name and email address instead of the values I specified with git --global or in my user configuration file I specified in Settings → Version Control → General as User and Email.
In case I delete user and email and leave it blank Qt will fill in my Windows credentials again. Now I have several commits online with information that should have been kept private. How can I change the standard settings?
It seems to be an Windows (10?) issue. I also tried on a Mac and here the global values are used. I am using
Qt Creator 4.13.0
Based on Qt 5.15.0 (MSVC 2019, 64 bit)
Erstellt am Aug 25 2020 10:06:59
Revision fff3b41833Which should be the latest one.