Clearing selection in three view & next selection not executed issues...
I'm doing some tests with selection in tree views, I want to have only 1 selection active from my tree views, when I run this command, even tho it will clear selection in other view, when I press, initially there is no selection. It feels like bug/glitch? Any ideas how to bite it ? I have to click on item 2x, 1 to clear sel, second to actually select...
void getSelectedItemList(QTreeView *view) { qDebug() << view->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QTreeView *view = new QTreeView(); QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel(); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { model->appendRow(new QStandardItem(QString::number(x))); } view->setModel(model); QWidget w; QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout(&w); lay->addWidget(view); QPushButton *btnA = new QPushButton("Print sel top"); QObject::connect(btnA, &QPushButton::released, [=]() { getSelectedItemList(view); }); QTreeView *view2 = new QTreeView(); QStandardItemModel *model2 = new QStandardItemModel(); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { model2->appendRow(new QStandardItem(QString::number(x))); } view2->setModel(model2); QPushButton *btnB = new QPushButton("Print sel bottom"); QObject::connect(btnB, &QPushButton::released, [=]() { getSelectedItemList(view2); }); lay->addWidget(view2); lay->addWidget(btnA); lay->addWidget(btnB); auto selModelA = view->selectionModel(); auto selModelB = view2->selectionModel(); QObject::connect(selModelA, &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, [=]() { view2->clearSelection(); }); QObject::connect(selModelB, &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, [=]() { view->clearSelection(); });; return a.exec(); }
@Dariusz said in Clearing selection in three view & next selection not executed issues...:
Another issue I found, if I do view->currentIndex(), after deselection this still returns a valid item!
For that one I think I know, though I would welcome anyone correcting me!
Current item and selected item are not the same thing. I don't find the docs explain much, but isn't current item the last one selected? Regardless of deselection? I think I understand selected item, not so much "current" item.
Once again, if any expert would care to clarify this I should be most interested.
@Dariusz said in Clearing selection in three view & next selection not executed issues...:
Bump, can any1 help ?
Since the selectionChanged signal is called also when you clear the selection you created an endless loop I would guess. Put some debug output when you call clearSelection() to see if I'm correct.
@JonB: yes, selection and current index are two independent things
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Clearing selection in three view & next selection not executed issues...:
@Dariusz said in Clearing selection in three view & next selection not executed issues...:
Bump, can any1 help ?
Since the selectionChanged signal is called also when you clear the selection you created an endless loop I would guess. Put some debug output when you call clearSelection() to see if I'm correct.
@JonB: yes, selection and current index are two independent things
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think I might see the issues. Clearing selection on view2 emits signal of selectionChanged for view1 o.O ok I think I got it o.o