How to load data from python socket(sensor data) on QML file?
Hi to everyone, I attempt to create a dashboard for cars which can show the velocity and rpm, the temperature in real-time on the QML dashboard. AM using python as backend and QML in front-office. I don't found the documentation about the Network package on the Qt site. how to get these data on QML script, someone could help me with this?
QML dashboard:
import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Extras 1.4 Window { id: root visible: true width: 1024 height: 600 color: "#161616" title: "car board" ValueSource { id: valueSource /// the full scenario with fake data over many loops } // we need to ensure-- // our height is never greater than our widht. Item { id: container width: root.width height: Math.min(root.width, root.height) anchors.centerIn: parent // anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: -4 Row { id: gaugeRow spacing: container.width * 0.02 anchors.centerIn: parent TurnIndicator { id: leftIndicator anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter width: height height: container.height * 0.1 - gaugeRow.spacing direction: Qt.LeftArrow on: valueSource.turnSignal == Qt.LeftArrow } CircularGauge { id: speedometer value: valueSource.kph anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter maximumValue: 280 // We set the width to the height, because the height will always be // the more limited factor. Also, all circulaar controls letterbox // their contents to ensure that they remain circular. Hoever, we // don't want to extra space on the letft and right of our gauges, // because they're laid out horizontally, and that would creeate // large horizontal gaps between gauges on wide screens. width: height height: container.height * 0.5 style: DashboardGaugeStyle {} } Item { id: contain width: height height: container.height * 0.25 - gaugeRow.spacing anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Item { id: car width: height height: contain.height visible: true // y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 - container.height * 0.3 Image { id: imgae_car anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter source: "file:/home/bm7/src/dashboard/images/car-g.png" width: 47 // Original width : height: 47 // Original height : } } Item { id: button width: height height: contain.height visible: valueSource.button y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 - container.height * 0.3 Text { id: texte font.pointSize: 50 text: qsTr("60") //font.bold: true } DelayButton { id: control checked: true //visible: false //text: qsTr("60") Rectangle { implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 100 opacity: enabled ? 1 : 1 color: control.down ? "white" : "white" radius : size / 2 readonly property real size: Math.min(control.width, control.height) width: size height: size anchors.centerIn: parent Text { text: texte.text font: texte.font anchors.centerIn: parent } Canvas{ id: canvas anchors.fill: parent Connections{ target: control function onProgressChanged() { canvas.requestPaint(); } } onPaint: { var ctx = getContext("2d") //ctx.clearRect(0,0, width, height) ctx.strokeStyle = "red" ctx.lineWidth = parent.size / 20 ctx.beginPath() var startAngle = Math.PI / 5 * 3 var endAngle = startAngle + control.progress * Math.PI / 5 * 10 ctx.arc(width/2, height/2, width/2 - ctx.lineWidth/2-2, startAngle, endAngle) ctx.stroke() } } } // } // CircularGauge { // id: droite // value: valueSource.fuel // maximumValue: 1 // y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 - container.height * 0.15 0.18 // width: parent.width // height: parent.height * 0.7 // style: IconGaugeStyle { // id: fuelGaugeStyled // // icon: "qrc:/images/fuel-icon.png" for C++ // icon: "file:/home/bm7/qt/project/images/fuel-icon.png" // minWarningColor: Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1) // tickmarkLabel: Text { // color: "white" // visible: styleData.value === 0 || styleData.value === 1 // font.pixelSize: fuelGaugeStyled.toPixels(0.225) // text: styleData.value === 0 ? "E" : (styleData.value === 1 ? "F" : "") // } // } // } } CircularGauge { id: fuelGauge value: valueSource.fuel maximumValue: 1 y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 - container.height * 0.01 width: parent.width height: parent.height * 0.7 style: IconGaugeStyle { id: fuelGaugeStyle // icon: "qrc:/images/fuel-icon.png" for C++ icon: "file:/home/bm7/src/dashboard/images/fuel-icon.png" minWarningColor: Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1) tickmarkLabel: Text { color: "white" visible: styleData.value === 0 || styleData.value === 1 font.pixelSize: fuelGaugeStyle.toPixels(0.225) text: styleData.value === 0 ? "E" : (styleData.value === 1 ? "F" : "") } } } // old place of [2] CircularGauge { value: valueSource.temperature maximumValue: 1 width: parent.width height: parent.height * 0.7 y: parent.height / 2 + container.height * 0.01 style: IconGaugeStyle { id: tempGaugeStyle // qrc:images/temperature-icon.png for C++ icon: "file:/home/bm7/project/src/dashboard/images/temperature-icon.png" maxWarningColor: Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1) tickmarkLabel: Text { color: "white" visible: styleData.value === 0 || styleData.value === 1 font.pixelSize: tempGaugeStyle.toPixels(0.225) text: styleData.value === 0 ? "C" : (styleData.value === 1 ? "H" : "") } } } } CircularGauge { id: tachometer width: height height: container.height * 0.5 // contianer.height*0.25 - gaugeRow.spacing [medium size] value: valueSource.rpm maximumValue: 8 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter style: TachometerStyle {} } TurnIndicator { id: rightIndicator anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter width: height height: container.height * 0.1 - gaugeRow.spacing direction: Qt.RightArrow on: valueSource.turnSignal == Qt.RightArrow } } } Row{ id: _id Image { id: id_logo source: "file:/home/bm7/src/dashboard/images/logo.png" //LayoutItem.preferredSize: 48 width: 167 // Original width : 1115 height: 75 // Original height : 500 // the reduction of 50% gives (1115 * 0.5, 500 * 0.5) = (557,250) // the reduction of 25% gives (1115 * 0.25, 500 * 0.25) = (278,125) // the reduction of 18% gives (1115 * 0.18, 500 * 0.18) = (200,90) // the reduction of 15% gives (1115 * 0.15, 500 * 0.15) = (167,75) } } }
python code:
import os, sys from PySide2 import QtCore from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication from PySide2.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QUrl from PySide2.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine from PySide2 import QtNetwork if __name__ == "__main__": # application window QCoreApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) app = QApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "qml/dashboard.qml")) # ctx = engine.rootContext() # ctx.setContextProperty("qmlapp", engine) engine.load(url) # show the window if not engine.rootObjects(): sys.exit(-1) app.exec_()
the tree command:
tree├── assets
│ ├── 280.png
│ ├── bold.png
│ ├── dash.png
│ ├── logo-added.png
│ └── wo-bold.png
├── dashboard.qrc
├── fonts
│ ├── DejaVuSans.ttf
├── images
│ ├── 140.png
│ ├── 30.png
│ ├── 50.png
│ ├── 70.png
│ ├── 90.png
│ ├── car-gg.png
│ ├── car-g.png
│ ├── car-g.svg
│ ├── car-highlights.png
│ ├── car-r.png
│ ├── car-rr.png
│ ├── car-r.svg
│ ├── fuel-icon.png
│ ├── logo.png
│ ├── red-border-right.png
│ ├── setup.png
│ ├── speed-limit-warning.png
│ └── temperature-icon.png
├── main.cpp
├── main.pyproject
├── pycache
│ └── socket.cpython-36.pyc
├── qml
│ ├── DashboardGaugeStyle.qml
│ ├── dashboard.qml
│ ├── IconGaugeStyle.qml
│ ├── TachometerStyle.qml
│ ├── TurnIndicator.qml
│ └── ValueSource.qml
├── requirements.txt
├── test.cpp
└── test.h
├── red-border-right.png
│ ├── setup.png
│ ├── speed-limit-warning.png
│ └── temperature-icon.png
├ ├── red-border-right.png
│ ├── setup.png
│ ├── speed-limit-warning.png
│ └── temperature-icon.png
├── main.cpp
├── main.pyproject
├── pycache
│ └── socket.cpython-36.pyc
├── qml
│ ├── DashboardGaugeStyle.qml
│ ├── dashboard.qml
│ ├── IconGaugeStyle.qml
│ ├── TachometerStyle.qml
│ ├── TurnIndicator.qml
│ └── ValueSource.qml
├── requirements.txt
├── test.cpp
└── test.h
── main.cpp
├── main.pyproject
├── pycache
│ └── socket.cpython-36.pyc
├── qml
│ ├── DashboardGaugeStyle.qml
│ ├── dashboard.qml
│ ├── IconGaugeStyle.qml
│ ├── TachometerStyle.qml
│ ├── TurnIndicator.qml
│ └── ValueSource.qml
├── requirements.txt
├── test.cpp
└── test.h