Calculations with real numbers - wrong results
I just ran into another issue I am not able to fix. In my app I do some simple calculation with real numbers and sometime the results are incorrect. I cannot trigger it, it happens randomly like:
adding 0.2 to 20.775 = 20.974999999999998The 0.2 is a number I extract from a json import.
The 20.775 is a property from a QML component
The 20.974999999999998 is the same poperty after I added 0.2The calculation is done += jsonData.cost
In most cases this is not an issue but sometimes I see this odd results.
It is impossible to store 0.2 exactly as a floating point value.
- This website has a good explanation:
- You can experiment with this: (it only processes 32-bit numbers, but the same concepts apply to 64-bit numbers)
@D_Tec said in Calculations with real numbers - wrong results: += jsonData.cost
Based on your variable names it looks like you want to do computations with a monetary unit. It is advisable that you do not use floating point for this. If you add small amounts to your
you will eventually have true rounding errors. Instead, you should do all computations with integers. If you decide to have at most 3 digits after the point, you would represent your numbers like this: 200 (=0.2) and 20775 (=20.775). Now, you don't have any loss during computations. When you want to show the number you just need to add the point in the right place (making sure you have enough leading zeros).