QString \n \t not being translated
General and Desktop
I'm not sure how I've managed to do this I'm building up a string that contains tabs (\t) and carriage returns (\n), however instead of tabs and carriage returns Im seeing the literal strings \t and \n in the Application Output. Is there any reason why this could be happening?
Also, formatting this string:
QString strMsg; strMsg = QString("S%1 ").arg(++msint64DbgSeqNo, 20, 10, QChar('0')) + strMsg;
Gives an output something like:
S00000000000000000016 "xmleng.setAttribute(strSID, \"title\", objJSON[\"text\"]); } } }*/"
Where do the quotes come from after the 16 and at the end of the string?
And there is no reason for it - it's debug output...