slot and signal arguments incompatible?
General and Desktop
Error was
F:\Qt\5.15.0\mingw81_32\include\QtCore\qglobal.h:121: error: static assertion failed: Signal and slot arguments are not compatible.
define Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(Condition, Message) static_assert(bool(Condition), Message)
signals: void moreTracksAdded();
void updateSetTrackSpeedLengthMenu();
In window.cpp it has a Canvas Object called drawingSurface
Window.cppconnect(drawingSurface, &Canvas::moreTracksAdded, this, SLOT (updateSetTrackSpeedLengthMenu()));
connect(drawingSurface, &Canvas::moreTracksAdded, this, SLOT (updateSetTrackSpeedLengthMenu()));
I don't know whether it's the cause of your error, but you are using new-style syntax for the signal and old-style syntax for the slot. Don't do that, make them both new-style, maybe that's all your problem is, there probably isn't an overload accepting yours.