scroll horizontal and vertical for a very large rectangle
I have been playing with the scroll view and other view models.
I want to create a game board (a very large rectangle) and place pieces
(which are buttons that can be clicked and dragged) on the rectangle content. The board (i.e. rectangle) could have any dimensions (i.e. larger than the physical size of the device. The user might want to make the view port small (not full screen) I wanted to have scroll bars both horizontal and vertical always visible. That was easy. But they are not functional. The rectangle is physically anchor to the application window. Nothing more can be seen.How do I get the scroll bars to change the view of the large rectangle. I would think/hope such a thing would be a general
widget. i.e.: just choose the widge; define the size of the scroll area
and have the scroll bars navigate the scroll area accordingly.Does not seem to work. Can anyone help?
@lawrence-emke hi,
i think what you need is QML Flickable typeWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Flickable { width: 400; height: 400 contentWidth: gameBoard.width; contentHeight: gameBoard.height clip: true ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar { active: true} ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { active: true} Rectangle{ id: gameBoard height: 2000 width: 2000 color: "grey" Repeater{ model: 10 Rectangle{ height: 80;width: 80 x : width * index y : height * index color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random(),1) MouseArea{ id:dragMouse anchors.fill: parent parent } } } } } }
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