QT 5.15.0 install :
Ok, looks good. try typing
in that CMD -
@hskoglund Nothing more :
I omited to tell you that i also tried to reinstall Qt in the path by default "C:\Qt" after a full uninstall (with deleting "C:\Users\Administrateur PC\AppData\Roaming\QtProject", thinking that it was a Path issue. But i had the same result.
Ok, but you have still have a Qt installed at C:\Programmation, right?
In that same CMD window, try again with
but first type:set path=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin gdb
It doesn't works.
But it's normal because gdb.exe is not in the directory : "C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin".
It is in : "C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin". So i tried also.
Perhaps an issue of Path in the Qt configuration ! But i don't think so because it can launch G++.exe. -
Yeah, sorry I meant C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin.
Also, try this in the same CMD window as above:
@hskoglund I tried in my previous post. Here was the result :
You mean typing
also returns nothing? -
@hskoglund Yes i have an error message :
The error message is correct, but could also check that MinGW's python works, try type:
@hskoglund said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
I have also Python installed on my computer. The V3.8.3.
Here the result :
Hmm, tricky :-) one more, in the same CMD try:
I have also Python installed on my computer. The V3.8.3.
Result :
Sure, but your V3.8.3 I think should not bother MinGW's version of python.
One more check: in that same CMD, type:set path=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin;C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\opt\bin gdborig
@hskoglund said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
set path=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin;C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\opt\bin
Ok, to try workaround the fighting of the Pythons, in that same CMD window, type;
set PYTHONHOME=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\opt
then try both
For information, before launching what you wrote, i have uninstalled Python 3.8.3, also a Python 2.7.4 used by a software and uninstalled Qt with RevoUninstaller.
Then i rebooted and made a cleanup of the registry with CCleaner.
I reinstalled Qt, but i have the same result in Debugger in Options.
And same result with what you wrote. -
Maybe some remnants of Python 3 remains, what happens if you try the same as before in that CMD window, i.e.:
set path=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin;C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\opt\bin set PYTHONHOME=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\opt gdborig gdb
@hskoglund said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
set PYTHONHOME=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\opt
There is now no error with dbgorig.