Missing Expected Behaviour in Qt Designer
Hi All,
I've just moved to Qt designer as an experiment. I've added a Qt form class to my empty project (as a QMainWindow) and added a QPushButton and a QLineEdit to the main form. In my QMainWindow class, I've added a public slot named setText() which does nothing but set the text inside QLineEdit object to some string. In the Qt designer, I've switched to signals/slots editing mode. Then I tried to connect the buttton's clicked() signal to my custom slot setText() - which is already defined in my MainWindow class. But strangely, I cannot see my slot listed there in the list!
As I searched around on the web, I got "this video":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca8ItRtU0AA. But, in that video too, that guy adds his own slot into the list of slots manually typing in. I think it would be great if Qt designer updates the list of slots dynamically as the code changes. Also, please let me know if there is any workaround.
Qt Designer does not know of your C++ implementation and therefore cannot know of your custom slot. This will not change.
If you need that slot frequently in different projects, you should consider making a "Designer plugin":/doc/qt-4.7/designer-creating-custom-widgets.html from it.
Write a "feature request":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ if you want this changed. We happily ignore requests made in the forum (mostly since we can not find them when planing;-).
Of course a feature request is not guaranteed to get implemented either, but at least it will be noticed when developers consider what to do next.