QT 5.14.2 Windows 10 -> Clang Code Model: Error: The clangbackend executable "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\clangbackend.exe" could not be started (timeout after 10000ms)
I have this error message at start up and the check/uncheck do not give better result (solution see on this forum). When uncheck the error message do not show naturally ;)
The Qt is on a windows 10 installed on a mac mini with bootcamp. Don't know if that can help.
I start a project with exemples that compile but crash after so I would to correct this to be sure that are not the causes.
@Olivier69 said in QT 5.14.2 Windows 10 -> Clang Code Model: Error: The clangbackend executable "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\clangbackend.exe" could not be started (timeout after 10000ms):
I start a project with examples that compile but crash after so I would correct this to be sure that are not the causes
I had that problem too. You need to change your settings of an application Output panel which is at the bottom of the screen. Build & run ---> General ---> Default for "Run in terminal" (change this option from disabled to enabled). After this qt works normally.
@Claoo @Olivier69 Same issue here using QT in windows 10.
I had it working two months ago, i came back and now every time i try to debug in android:
Clang Code Model: Error: The clangbackend executable "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\clangbackend.exe" could not be started (timeout after 10000ms).-
So i updated my android SDK, same problem.
So i did what @fadfa suggested ("run in terminal" enabled) still the same problem.
So removed spaces in my filepath, still the same problem.
In my Issues tab inside QT creator, after i try to run my app;
:-1: error: aidl.exe E 11-26 09:40:24 16432 1052 io_delegate.cpp:50] Failed to GetFullPathName(C:\Users\joseg\Documents\GitHub\STM32WBWorkshop_BluetoothMesh_LAB1\QT desktop app for reading st example\build-BLE_test-Android_Qt_5_15_2_Clang_Multi_Abi-Debug\android-build\build\generated\aidl_source_output_dir\debug\out\org\kde\necessitas\ministro\IMinistro.java) FAILURE:
:-1: error: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':compileDebugAidl'. > 1 exception was raised by workers: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: Error while executing process C:\Users\joseg\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\28.0.3\aidl.exe with arguments {-pC:\Users\joseg\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms\android-30\framework.aidl -oC:\Users\joseg\Documents\GitHub\STM32WBWorkshop_BluetoothMesh_LAB1\QT desktop app for reading st example\build-BLE_test-Android_Qt_5_15_2_Clang_Multi_Abi-Debug\android-build\build\generated\aidl_source_output_dir\debug\out -IC:\Users\joseg\Documents\GitHub\STM32WBWorkshop_BluetoothMesh_LAB1\QT desktop app for reading st example\build-BLE_test-Android_Qt_5_15_2_Clang_Multi_Abi-Debug\android-build\src -IC:\Qt\5.15.2\android\src\android\java\src -IC:\Users\joseg\Documents\GitHub\STM32WBWorkshop_BluetoothMesh_LAB1\QT desktop app for reading st example\build-BLE_test-Android_Qt_5_15_2_Clang_Multi_Abi-Debug\android-build\aidl -IC:\Users\joseg\Documents\GitHub\STM32WBWorkshop_BluetoothMesh_LAB1\QT desktop app for reading st example\build-BLE_test-Android_Qt_5_15_2_Clang_Multi_Abi-Debug\android-build\src\debug\aidl -dC:\Users\joseg\AppData\Local\Temp\aidl4657304181761796577.d C:\Qt\5.15.2\android\src\android\java\src\org\kde\necessitas\ministro\IMinistro.aidl} * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org BUILD FAILED in 5s
:-1: error: Building the android package failed! -- For more information, run this command with --verbose.
@javiB i checked the first error
So something went wrong in the build process i guess?Maybe my path name is so long it makes the build process (GetFullPathName) to fail.
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-79530that was it, i changed the build folder to my desktop (shorter fileath names) and everything worked