How to tell when QchartView series animation on zoom is finished
I’m using QchartView for real time graphs and only want the series animation to be done for zooming. The zoom happens on left click and dragging to create a box area then release left button and zoom happens. My plan is then to turn on series animation on the left click and then turn it off when animation of zoom is complete. I’m not sure how to tell when complete though. The reason for doing this is because the graphs update frequently so the animation when new points are added slows things down. But animation on zoom is nice feature.
To do this what can be done put a QtTimer in onMouseRelease ( when left mouse is released the zoom is done ). Set the timer for the chart.animationDuration() and then when timer is finished have the callback so chart.setSeriesAnimation( NoAnimation)
The animation on qtchart really slows things down even if chart is not updating. It looks good when doing zoom so keep it for that but turn off when zoom finished.