[solved] undefined reference to 'vtable for ...'
The above code is running perfectly for me. Couldn't reproduce the issue.
bq. I tried without instanciate Q_OBJECT in the .h file
You need Q_OBJECT macro, so that MOC (meta Object Compiler) will do the necessary to implement signals and slots . Refer "Meta-Object system":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/metaobjects.html#meta-object-system
Late relpy : i meant the first post.
No, moc is the "Meta-Object Compiler":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/moc.html.
Ok thanks, I just have two more questions ...
Do you know how can I get some values of a QComboBox (I tried with currentIndex() function and currentText but it doesn't really works...)
Which project can let me generate an application but without Qt development tool (like .exe and can be ran without problems...)
Anyway, I appreciate your help
PS: I'm a beginner with Qt ...
- currentIndex() and currentText() is the way to go. If they return invalid data there is most probably no item selected or the combo box is empty.
- Every single Application type (Qt Quick Application, Qt Gui Application, Mobile Qt Application, ...) generates a standalone binary (.exe). But you will have to distribute - as with every other non-Qt application - the "runtime dependencies":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/deployment-windows.html along with your application.
In addition you can try compiling statically. so that every libraries and dependencies packed into a single executable.