Html emiting signals
boys, this is perhaps impossible, but let us try!
make a focus on <center>Esci</center><hr>Configura<hr>Nascondi in the snippet. how can you know what string of the HTML code the user clicked?@
Image { id: imgopzioni;anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: 20; source: "../HUVWoerterSZErinnern/opzioni.png"; scale: 0.8
Text { anchors.centerIn: parent; text: "Opzioni" ; smooth: true; font.pointSize: 27; id:testo_opzioni }
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; hoverEnabled: true; onClicked: { parent.state = "clicked" } onEntered: testoaiuto = "Click per uscire<br>o configurare il sw." }
states: [
State { name: "clicked"; when: parent.state == "clicked"; PropertyChanges { target: imgopzioni; height: 360 }
PropertyChanges { target: testo_opzioni; text: "<center>Esci</center><hr>Configura<hr>Nascondi" } },
State { name: "unclicked"; when: parent.state == "unclicked"; PropertyChanges { target: imgopzioni; height: 100 } }
transitions: [
Transition { reversible: true; NumberAnimation { property: "width"; duration: 1000 } }