Animation in qml
QML and Qt Quick
I am unable to perform below mentioned scenario using qml:
I want to show movement w.r.t "X" from left to right on click. Then again right to left onclicked.
Can any one suggest some idea how to do this?
Hi @QtQmlLearner , can you share your code or your expected output so that, we can get to know more and suggest a better solution.
Please have a look at the below code, it some simple stuff:-
Rectangle { id: rect width: 100 height: 100 color: "red" SmoothedAnimation { id: anim duration: 1000 target: rect property: "x" } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if(parent.x === 0) { = 200; anim.start(); } else { anim.from = 200 = 0; anim.start(); } } } }
Thank you so much. This is what i was expecting.