UI Designer for Qml
Is there a visual designer tool available for authoring Qml GUIs ? The problem I face is that my web designers are finding it difficult to learn Qml though they know html / css and I'am a c++ programmer and don't know html / css. So a UI designer will be helpful for me.
Besides, the Photoshop Plugin is helpful, too. I think your web designers should be familiar with PS.
And I suggest you to read the following articles, especially on Module 8
"http://qt.nokia.com/learning/online/training/materials/qt-quick-for-designers":http://qt.nokia.com/learning/online/training/materials/qt-quick-for-designers -
Unfortunately the available plugin for Photoshop does not generate clean code and its much easier to write everything from scratch (besides Adobe Fieworks in my opinion its much better at UI).
I design professional interfaces, and QML is by far my favorite language. He simply outclasses HTML5 with hisanchor based layout and and performance.
Feel free to write me: