CLion + Qt + OpenGL
Good afternoon,
I have been recently coding a project including OpenGl which compiles very well on Qt Creator.I have been coding on CLion all the way though and been messing up a lot trying to configure my CMakeLists. The problem seems to occur on linking the OpenGL libraries from Qt to the executable.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) project(Toupies_DL) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-std=c++14 ) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS OpenGL Widgets Core Gui Multimedia REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(QT_USE_QTOPENGL TRUE) add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${QT_QTOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) [...] add_executable(ex5 ${QtFILES} ex_05/Qt_GL/ qt5_use_modules(ex5 Widgets OpenGL) target_link_libraries(ex5 ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(ex5 Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Core Qt5::OpenGL Qt5::Gui Qt5::Multimedia)
The project builds correctly but when linking, it returns this error message :
CMakeFiles\ex5.dir/objects.a( In function `ZN8GLWidget8resizeGLEii': C:/Users/lgtle/Desktop/C++/programmes/projet/Toupies-DL/Toupies-DL/ex_05/Qt_GL/ undefined reference to `_imp__glViewport@16' CMakeFiles\ex5.dir/objects.a( In function `ZN8GLWidget7paintGLEv': C:/Users/lgtle/Desktop/C++/programmes/projet/Toupies-DL/Toupies-DL/ex_05/Qt_GL/ undefined reference to `_imp__glClear@4' CMakeFiles\ex5.dir/objects.a( In function `ZN9VueOpenGL4initEv': C:/Users/lgtle/Desktop/C++/programmes/projet/Toupies-DL/Toupies-DL/ex_05/Qt_GL/ undefined reference to `_imp__glEnable@4' C:/Users/lgtle/Desktop/C++/programmes/projet/Toupies-DL/Toupies-DL/ex_05/Qt_GL/ undefined reference to `_imp__glEnable@4' CMakeFiles\ex5.dir/objects.a( In function `ZN9VueOpenGL11dessineCubeERK10QMatrix4x4': C:/Users/lgtle/Desktop/C++/programmes/projet/Toupies-DL/Toupies-DL/ex_05/Qt_GL/ undefined reference to `_imp__glBegin@4' C:/Users/lgtle/Desktop/C++/programmes/projet/Toupies-DL/Toupies-DL/ex_05/Qt_GL/ undefined reference to `_imp__glEnd@0' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
It looks like Clion doesn't find the function of QtOpengl.
Thank you in advance for your help! -
This has nothing to do with CLion - you use OPENGL_LIBRARIES but do not search for OpenGL in the first place.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in CLion + Qt + OpenGL:
Where do you think is this variable gets defined? You have to search for OpenGL first with
Thanks a million! It is my first try with Qt, and now I see how dumb was my question, sorry for that.
Now it works better but it says "undefined reference to `qt_static_plugin_QWindowsIntegrationPlugin()'". I will keep digging. Thanks again ! -
Are you using a static Qt?
@Christian-Ehrlicher No, but I am working on windows, and therefore had to copy all dll's I needed in the cmake-build-debug to make it work. maybe have I forgotten one
@LgtLeb said in CLion + Qt + OpenGL:
and therefore had to copy all dll's I needed
If your setup is correct you don't have to copy any dlls anywhere.